Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft Anime Coming in 2024

Is this really too much to ask for?




Wouldn't be Netflix if they weren't trying to make her racially ambiguous. Guess we should be thankful they didn't straight up make her Black, Asian, or a man. And for fuck's sake, give that woman back her tits. Don't like her design? Make another female character without them.
Should we make a Netflix thingy with the version Lara that has an actual personality and is actually cool?

That has a consistent moral code or lack there of? (OG Lara was an Asshole. Reboot Lara is whatever she's feeling like being that day)

And weapons that transcend being "just weapons"? (Reflects her personality, and besides John Woo movies, when people think double pistols, they think Lara Croft. When people think Bow and Arrow, there are a billion characters/people that come to mind).

This unintentional parody of what a strong female character is, should do it.


Hope they make their money, I guess.
First of all it's just strange to me that they ditched her iconic dual pistols. The bow is meh... but I guess they are keeping it in line with the recent series of game.

Second, why is she brown? lol


Well they went half way.

Now I wanna see the Laura Cruz reimagining.

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