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Tombstone or Unforgiven?

Tombstone or Unforgiven?

  • Tombstone

  • Unforgiven

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Interesting comparison - these are, effectively, two different ends of the spectrum. Tombstone is one of the quintessential westerns while Unforgiven is a deconstruction of the westerns Eastwood was famous for. I'd argue Tombstone is more rewatchable and entertaining, but Unforgiven is more thoughtful and interesting. Tough choice, but Tombstone narrowly gets the nod from me.
Unforgiven is one of my top 5 movies. Beautifully shot, enchanting score, great performances and actors and one of the best final scenes ever.

No contest for me.
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Gold Member
Unforgiven is one of the best westerns ever made.
Clint Eastwood at it's very best, both as an actor and director.


Gold Member
Silverado is the best western ever made

but in the discussion between Tombstone and Unforgiven (maybe we can slip in Costners Wyatt Erp in there) then I think Tombstone is far more fun/popcorn, but Unforgiven is the better film. But after hearing Michael Biehn describe how much of a shitshow Tombstone was in filming (canning the director and weeks of footage, then having the hack the script to stretch the budget to finish) I'm SHOCKED at how good the final product was.


Two completely different movies.

Unforgiven is a far FAR better film.

Tombstone, is more quotable and more fun. (Which without Val Kilmer and Michael Biehn… that movie falls completely flat)


It depends on what kind of mood I'm in. Even though they're both westerns, they are practically different genres, what with Tombstone being Action/Adventure and Unforgiven being more Drama/Character Study.

Phobos Base

All right, I'm coming out. Any man I see out there, I'm gonna shoot him. Any sumbitch takes a shot at me, I'm not only gonna kill him, but I'm gonna kill his wife, all his friends, and burn his damn house down.

Never mind "do you feel lucky punk", this to me is the ultimate Clint Eastwood quote.


Ultimate DQ Fan
Tough one. Both are great. I think Unforgiven is probably the better movie, but Tombstone is more fun.

There was a Japanese remake of Unforgiven starring Ken Watanabe that came out like 10-15 years ago. I've been meaning to watch it.


Resident Crybaby
Unforgiven is the better movie but Tombstone is way, way more fun and more rewatchable IMO.

If I was looking for a moving to watch I'd pick Tombstone 9/10 times between these two.


Perpetually Offended
No. I can't decide. They're both classics! OMG, I remember when Earp just walked through gun fire and gave them what for! Unforgiven is just .. on a whole other level of emotional wreckage


Silverado is the best western ever made

but in the discussion between Tombstone and Unforgiven (maybe we can slip in Costners Wyatt Erp in there) then I think Tombstone is far more fun/popcorn, but Unforgiven is the better film. But after hearing Michael Biehn describe how much of a shitshow Tombstone was in filming (canning the director and weeks of footage, then having the hack the script to stretch the budget to finish) I'm SHOCKED at how good the final product was.
Silverado is great but it's from 1985 so it's not a "90s western." Pale Rider from 1985 is also great.

I agree that the Quick and the Dead is a contender. I'm a fan of Raimi films in general and the cast is great. Tombstone is entertaining in a dumb summer blockbuster sort of way. Unforgiven is slightly better though.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Unforgiven was probably the only movie besides Godfather that i agree was deserving of the Oscar. It is a fucking masterpiece.

That said, results in the thread are surprising and i guess i now need to watch Tombstone.

King Dazzar

Unforgiven, even if its all just for that finale. Amazing scene.

I've killed women and children. I've killed everything that walks or crawls at one time or another. And I'm here to kill you, Little Bill, for what you done to Ned.



Tombstone 🪦 is an incredible movie. A great modern western.

But Clint Eastwood killed the West and the Gunslinger in Unforgiven. In a most beautiful and furious way. 🥲


What time is it?
Neither. I never cared for Unforgiven and, Val aside, I don't think Tomb Stone has aged that well. For modern Westerns, I prefer Open Range and Bone Tomahawk but neither fit the 90s criteria.
Those last 10 minutes are some of the best in any movie. But it does need the previous 2 hours to really set the scene for what goes down.

Also, it's easily Unforgiven for me.

Totally agree, that slow build is basically the whole final act payoff. Meaningless without it all.
Neither. I never cared for Unforgiven and, Val aside, I don't think Tomb Stone has aged that well. For modern Westerns, I prefer Open Range and Bone Tomahawk but neither fit the 90s criteria.

Bone Tomahawk is amazing.

Also check out The Salvation.
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