_tetsuo_ said:
whats so different about them? or should i say whats makes titan quest so much better?
Hmm...I tend to ramble and get off point when I try to distinguish exactly what I like or dislike in one game over another...so forgive me if this isn't to your liking.
Well, the inventory system and the menu that surrounds it is the first thing that comes to mind.
The brief time I spent in the menu were marred by a sludgy interface that didn't respond nearly as quick as I would like and devoted too much screen area to insignificant UI. It's been a while since I played it, and I'm a few thousand miles separated from my 360 to double check, but I specifically remember the horizontal -> vertical -> horizontal navigation, the delay as the selection animation plays out, and the lack of significant button queuing grated on me (was there
even button queuing?). The inventory controls in Titan Quest, to me, are the very definition of non-hindering: quick, unobtrusive, clean, and quickly entered/exited with numerous ways to complete each task.
Enemies in Titan Quest were equipment that is visible on their character model and any item you see a badguy wearing or wielding can be picked up after killing them. You have a method of filtering between worthwhile items and items that are not likely to be helpful, or do not sell for much, before you even pick them up. The number of weapon types and the small variations between each, before you even get to special effects and buffs, in the first 15 minutes of Titan Quest dwarfed what was evident in the Too Human demo. Items and their enhancements did become more powerful much quicker, in Too Human, than they do in TQ:IT though I assume that is because Too Human
might be lacking the New Game+ (with added difficulty) style replayability that games like TQ:IT and DII have. The stat variation in equipment before enhancements...the number of random stat, skill, and buff enhancements present...hell, I guess the way to say this would be the sheer size of the loot table in IT, in general. There's so much to look through and so many variations that equipment upgrades are not linear...coupled with the abundant number, and importance, of skills in TQ... This isn't exactly fair, since it's a fairly fundamental gameplay difference that isn't exactly related to the equipment, but I vastly prefer Titan's Quest's skill system..I'm pulling out my crystal ball on this one, but I'm guessing that skill enhancing equipment will have a more significant impact on gameplay in TQ than in TH.
I haven't messed with the rune system in Too Human, so I can't compare, but the Rune system in TQ is well formed with the ability to combine runes, unlock capabilities in the runes you have, recover runes from outdated equipment, and replace runes in equipment. Too Human doesn't have an item creation system, does it? (Not talking about runes)
Then there's a couple of minor minor quibbles, like the visual representation of collectable items and equipment in the game world and the visual appearance of equipment on your character. I guess it's inspired by the Warhammer 40,000 armor, but more oft than not I found myself thinking of Stallone's Judge Dredd (in random colors) than the Space Marines or Chaos Space Marines. This last one
will sound silly, but the naming convention for random items has never bothered me in any game until I played Too Human.
None of this will change your opinion, most likely...but it gave me something to do instead of dying in MegaMan ZX for the 50th time.