Today I was discussing an upcoming album with someone, expressing my disappointment with what has been released thus far, when I was informed that I am "too picky to be a true fan."
After this, following classic Internet logic, they went on to insult several albums they knew I enjoyed to justify their claims. Normally I'd write this off, after all, they were obviously reinforcing their "superiority" in musical tastes, but that line about being a true fan, that really struck a chord with me.
Where does the line between fandom and worship begin to blur? Does being a "true fan" mean you have to automatically praise any excretement produced? What if I've enjoyed almost two decades of a band's work, only to be disappointed in their latest effort?
After this, following classic Internet logic, they went on to insult several albums they knew I enjoyed to justify their claims. Normally I'd write this off, after all, they were obviously reinforcing their "superiority" in musical tastes, but that line about being a true fan, that really struck a chord with me.
Where does the line between fandom and worship begin to blur? Does being a "true fan" mean you have to automatically praise any excretement produced? What if I've enjoyed almost two decades of a band's work, only to be disappointed in their latest effort?