A shonen where the every girl wants the main characters dick
how orignal
Lol! I was thinking the exact same thing.it's levio-SAH, not LEVIO-saaaaaaah
A shonen where the every girl wants the main characters dick
how orignal
it's levio-SAH, not LEVIO-saaaaaaah
A shonen where the every girl wants the main characters dick
how orignal
Yeah I know right. Pfft.Pfft, learning stuff is for losers
Moeblob wants the double decker DMoe blob can't decide between Rin and his brother
Tsundere is clearly just on the Rin wagon
How many more episodes are we going to spend in this damn school?
Who the shit is hooded guy?!?!?!
Yeah, who is he? Anyone important?Who the shit is hooded guy?!?!?!