One Piece time!
32 episodes.
Ugh. Well, One Piece is up next.
Also characters need to stop saying Naruto's "matured". He's still a dumbfuck :/
It took an entire episode for Naruto to do one move.
Scratch that, to start doing that one move.
Fucking pacing Shippuden... fucking pacing.
Literally everything about that episode sucked aside from the music. Also characters need to stop saying Naruto's "matured". He's still a dumbfuck :/
Franky's backstory, which takes about three episodes.One Piece is up next. What's on the schedule for tonight's episode?
Kinda... he's made of sterner stuff!Holy crap, Franky actually able to fight against Iron Body!!
So, just arrived. New graphics? You guys digging them?