B B-Dubs No Scrubs Apr 6, 2014 #2,302 GMN said: is that a Pokemon Click to expand... A Cacturne if I remember right
M mightynine Member Apr 6, 2014 #2,307 LOLDSFAN said: Kawaii demon. Like a pe-what? Click to expand... Oh good, it wasn't just me.
F foxuzamaki Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own Apr 6, 2014 #2,308 LOLDSFAN said: foxuzamaki up in here. Click to expand...
B Beelzeboss Member Apr 6, 2014 #2,311 I would never attack you. That means you can't market me to kids.
B BatDan Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in. Apr 6, 2014 #2,312 789shadow said: DID SOMEONE SAY CHOPPER Click to expand... Toei Execs: HE HAS PIKACHU'S VOICE! PIKACHU! MORE MONEY! MORE MOOOOONEY! Oda: Be quiet, I'm busy drawing.
789shadow said: DID SOMEONE SAY CHOPPER Click to expand... Toei Execs: HE HAS PIKACHU'S VOICE! PIKACHU! MORE MONEY! MORE MOOOOONEY! Oda: Be quiet, I'm busy drawing.
U Unspeakable Evil Member Apr 6, 2014 #2,314 Thought she was about to say "like a penis." edit: WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT
A Amikami Banned Apr 6, 2014 #2,324 Kamiki's one of those characters. Shiemi is annoying though. Damn!
R Raxus Member Apr 6, 2014 #2,327 Wow she really did summon a pokemon. Can't wait until it learns vine whip. WAIT WAIT WAIT. God, nails on a chalkboard.
Wow she really did summon a pokemon. Can't wait until it learns vine whip. WAIT WAIT WAIT. God, nails on a chalkboard.
T TheAbsolution Member Apr 6, 2014 #2,329 Kinda late on this but, Great title change. also, WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT WAAAAAAIIIT.
C Crocodile Member Apr 6, 2014 #2,337 OMG MY EARS, KILL HER WITH FIRE The other girl is kind of a bitch though
S Shard XBLAnnoyance Apr 6, 2014 #2,339 OH my god I will pay you so much money to not say wait anymore.
F foxuzamaki Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own Apr 6, 2014 #2,341 Regiruler said: Spoiler The plant summon has a rediculous level of utility Click to expand... Indeed