Guy is being burned alive yet his hair is still in one piece.
A strange place to break. This arc didn't have much overarcing relevance.btw, this is considered the end of the first season, then the rest of the episodes are the 2nd season.
Yukimaru is the link.from that to SHADOW CLONE JUTSU
I mean I get how that was supposed to be all badass but there's no way a person with arrows in him and on fire would be able to do all that.
A bit odd to half your season end at around 17-18 episodes. Guess this means the rest of the series will be focused on the sunflower samurai.
Right, time to catch up on Jojo Part 4 while waiting for One Piece.
not especially.
...Never mind then.
Since I need to wake up early tomorrow, I'll have to sign off here. Enjoy the rest of the night, all.
Time for the most anticipated show on the blo--
Back in 30.
kill me