7 789shadow Banned Aug 10, 2014 #6,705 This is literally just an elaborate joke on how much Spandam sucks.
S Shard XBLAnnoyance Aug 10, 2014 #6,707 I would say it was made solely for the reference if I didn't know it exists in the original Japanese.
I would say it was made solely for the reference if I didn't know it exists in the original Japanese.
Z Zonic Gives all the fucks Aug 10, 2014 #6,710 CATHERINE, FROM THE BAR?!!? ........oh, Gatherine EEEWWWWWWWW.
B BatDan Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in. Aug 10, 2014 #6,731 I do love the villain interaction moments.
I Imperial Bishop Banned Aug 10, 2014 #6,741 T_T how sad. I forgot how funny this episode was with CP9.