The manga is straight up borderline soft pornography at this point.I should start watching this show!
The manga is straight up borderline soft pornography at this point.I should start watching this show!
Bouncing is saved for movies, in particular movie seven.
What a glorious movie it was
Edit: sorry, please ignore the plot of this pic and just focus on the reaction in their faces, I'm on mobile and I can't edit pictures
Ussop gets pathetic for me at this point
Usopp's stomach runs a hard bargain.
All the budget went into the bouncing, there was none left for the story.
Did you actually watch this arc or just read a synopsis online?
No, I watched this arc, I marathoned it infact.
Still better than movie 5 or 3...
Granny must have one hell of an amazing liver.
No, I watched this arc, I marathoned it infact.
Sanji left the crew too Luffy.