Unspeakable Evil
Magical new outfit
JackGAF, we are in for one hell of a ride
TruthfactJackGAF > InuyashaGAF
Sorry, Jaken.
Why did you have to remind me? Should just be a double hour of Samurai Jack.So fucking amazing. Genndy da god. Time for IGPX.
Why did you have to remind me? Should just be a double hour of Samurai Jack.
This movie...bleh.
think I'm done.
How I feel after Samurai Jack
JackGAF > InuyashaGAF
Sorry, Jaken.
you keep posting these gifs
its a sign
you need to watch it.
monogatari, I will watch with you if you want.
300 sequel.Man God what drugs are you on? This was fantastic
think I'm done.
think I'm done.
Night.I'm out.
300 sequel.
That was my least favorite part of the pilot though. Part two was my favorite.
Wait this is from monogatari? Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Annoys me that kurosawa isn't on Netflix... only hulu
All of my favorite episodes of Jack are either comedy or world building.
They win, but for some reason were bummed out.
yeeeeessss, its from the same scene as the last 2 gifs you used from the show lol
And now what do I do for an hour. Blaaah
I sort of can see why they'd be a little bummed out ... maybe. The really weird thing is how the losing team basically walked away laughing.