Legit Ryukos best scene.
But, that was a reckless move.
Now Nui has both blades.
So who wore what better?
Voicing Ryuko must just shatter the vocal cords.
I really like that episode. Only three left. The finale is close!
She must be related to ZoroI dont think humans have that much blood. Also poor Junketsu. No one wants him. Time for Michiko and Hatchin.
So who wore what better?
Not as much as voicing Luffy
An Adult Swim game that doesn't look like it was made for stoners or acid trippers O_O
These KLK episodes aren't getting any better. :/
wonder if Kill la Kill is ever gonna get good again
An Adult Swim game that doesn't look like it was made for stoners or acid trippers O_O
i don't get the 'shiny shiny' meme