Imperial Bishop
Lewdnami continues.
...this show is a lot less shounen than I was expecting
China and the US were major players in shaping the world.Wong?
Did Korea take over the world?
Space western....this show is a lot less shounen than I was expecting
...this show is a lot less shounen than I was expecting
I'm down with it.This show is a senien series.
Yup, no "I need to focus on getting stronger" bullshit.Real MC. Not afraid to be with the ladies
|OT| We fix everything from tractors to relationships
This show is a senien series.
That blonde is totally not Major Kusanagi.
...this show is a lot less shounen than I was expecting
I need to find the list of edits that was required to make Outlaw Star TVY7, they must have been inventive.
That blonde is totally not Major Kusanagi.
Almost nothing in a lot of episodes, a ton in others.I am interested in this also. Must've been really comprehensive.
Ah yes, a quick search during the a break has found that edit list for Outlaw Star.
Seinen, bounty hunting factoring in, and having a space western angle is pretty much where the similarities begin and end. There are space opera aspects with species aside from humans in OS, along with fantasy elements, whereas Bebop is more "grounded" by the standards of a space-themed series.I heard some people in the past way back compare it to Bebop, so I figured it was more seinen than shonen. It's probably because they are both space westerns in the late 90s.
I knew the show was lewd based on the hot springs talk, but I wasn't expecting full-on seinen movie-style implied sex scenes.
I'm fine with it, but still, whoa.
7. Death Rob's "killed 30 men" changed to "taken 30 men".
That's less surprising for a seinen manga, but whew.The manga doesn't even have implied sex scenes. There are some that are a hop skip and jump away from hentai.