And here's where all tension for the arc dies a hard death.
I mean, Frieza does actually succeed technicallyAnd here's where all tension for the arc dies a hard death.
Don't have to animate a fight if deities are trying a new dish
Speaking of ice cream:
The writing is saving this arc from complete meltdown.
I haven't liked a single fight in this entire show yet.Episode was alright. The actual fight so far has been very meh but the dialogue is pretty good. Bring on DBZ Kai.
Not to mention I get no sense of actual "growth" compared to his original appearance. He does NOTHING different from his first fight with Goku aside from skip some forms.Frieza really is Wasted Potential: The Fighter. Has never trained in his life and never uses his super prehensile tail to fight. Maybe cuz Toriyama has never really put more thought into his martial arts beyond "punch and kick really fast". Frieza should be using that tail like a third arm.
The writing is saving this arc from complete meltdown.
It makes sense for them to look similar, since universe 6 and 7 are counterparts to each other.
Vados.What was Whis's sister's name?
What was Whis's sister's name?