Sakura's actual medical expertise:
Better than the sand guys
Sakura's actual medical expertise:
Yeah, Naruto is completely useless this arc.This arc in general /is/ largely a a Sakura-centric one.
Sakura's actual medical expertise:
Sakura IS legitimately useful at first, then it gets dropped entirely once Sasuke is brought up again.
I know that, I just think it doesn't really call for it.
Yo Naruto getting that D hard.
I hope you like bleeps!
except bullets
You'll love [Bleep] Lagoon, then.I love bleeps.
There's also the fact that medical ninjutsu requires alot of chakra control and Sakura excels at Chakra control, that bubble thing probably requires alot of chakra control that the sand village may not have been able to do. Also, it possible that the bubble thing is a leaf village technique that other villages don't know about.
The main girl on Black Lagoon seems like my type.
Why not?Why is Godzilla riding a quad?
Hope you're good at dodging bullets.
I'm pretty excited for Black Lagoon.
I recognized the main guy's voice, but couldn't place it. It'sAmuro
Why is Godzilla riding a quad?
I'm pretty excited for Black Lagoon.
I recognized the main guy's voice, but couldn't place it. It'sAmuro
Cool dude actually. He even plays basketball against Charles Barkley.
IN THE TIMEOUT CORNERBlack Lagoon looks badass. Hopefully it'll be the better pirate show on the lineup.
Violently homocidal ?The main girl on Black Lagoon seems like my type.
His name is he hate me...Violently homocidal?
why are you censoring lolHe's alsoLight Yagami
Dude from death note, Quatre from Gundam Wing, a bunch of stuff.
I have no clue why I turned from the Deadwood series-spanning marathon to watch crappily dubbed episodes of anime I've already seen in Japanese years ago.
I have no clue why I turned from the Deadwood series-spanning marathon to watch crappily dubbed episodes of anime I've already seen in Japanese years ago.
Tsunade was a genius who was able to make cures for all the poisons during the great war, she is much better than most of the poison specialist on this show.
Dude got his ass kicked by Barkely 1 on 1Cool dude actually. He even plays basketball against Charles Barkley.