Just moving the coil a bit caused that thing? These things don't sound safe to sell to the public.
Just moving the coil a bit caused that thing? These things don't sound safe to sell to the public.
Just moving the coil a bit caused that thing? These things don't sound safe to sell to the public.
US Opening > Viva Namida.
Just moving the coil a bit caused that thing? These things don't sound safe to sell to the public.
Just moving the coil a bit caused that thing? These things don't sound safe to sell to the public.
US Opening > Viva Namida.
Well, it is an illegal coil. 3rd party stuff is never made to the right spec.
US Opening > Viva Namida.
Sooooo ... shit like this is why illegal core/ coils is super bad thing? PEOPLE DON'T KNOW THAT IF THEY FUCK UP THEIR COIL THIS CAN HAPPEN?!?!
Just moving the coil a bit caused that thing? These things don't sound safe to sell to the public.
US Ending > that other nyan nyan nyan one
Please tell me Parasyte won't beat me over the head with a montage in an attempt to make me feel this week.
No really, the OP is necessary hype. Cut all the other OPs so we can have it.