F foxuzamaki Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own Mar 12, 2017 #3,052 We starting off with somewhat of a callback
N Neoxon Junior Member Mar 12, 2017 #3,057 It's good to see Aku's mechs getting bodied, again. We missed you, Jack.
T TheOGB Banned Mar 12, 2017 #3,061 I bailed out 5 minutes into the online airing because Sir Crocodile made me feel guilty :V (and because I needed to cook a burger) HYPE
I bailed out 5 minutes into the online airing because Sir Crocodile made me feel guilty :V (and because I needed to cook a burger) HYPE
X Xe4 Banned Mar 12, 2017 #3,066 Does anyone know if the show is synced with the stream or not? I'd figure the stream is a bit slow, but I'm not sure.
Does anyone know if the show is synced with the stream or not? I'd figure the stream is a bit slow, but I'm not sure.
C Crocodile Member Mar 12, 2017 #3,071 Jack's first "major" fight in the series was against a swarm of these so it's not surprising we see them again here to start off with
Jack's first "major" fight in the series was against a swarm of these so it's not surprising we see them again here to start off with
B BatDan Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in. Mar 12, 2017 #3,072 Tearing those robot bugs like paper. Jack with guns is weird. Daaamn not only does he stab, he twists
Tearing those robot bugs like paper. Jack with guns is weird. Daaamn not only does he stab, he twists
S SigmasonicX Member Mar 12, 2017 #3,075 It's a good thing I rewatched the opening 3-parter recently. There are a lot of visual references.
R RampagingSoul Member Mar 12, 2017 #3,077 Crocodile said: Jack's first "major" fight in the series was against a swarm of these so it's not surprising we see them again here to start off with Click to expand... Yeah, makes sense. Cool way to start too.
Crocodile said: Jack's first "major" fight in the series was against a swarm of these so it's not surprising we see them again here to start off with Click to expand... Yeah, makes sense. Cool way to start too.
F foxuzamaki Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own Mar 12, 2017 #3,086 This is def not Jack's old fighting style
B Bronx-Man Banned Mar 12, 2017 #3,092 BatDan said: The time has come and so have I Click to expand... .
I Imperial Bishop Banned Mar 12, 2017 #3,098 Emojis popping up out of that girl's head. EDIT: HE SAID THE THING!