You've gone insane
Am I supposed to be sad?
shamrock-pops is a good guy
shut up you idiot
This is the happy part of the backstory.
Toonami |Oct14| It's a lot of fu
Toonami |Oct14| It's a lot of fu
Da fuck am I reading
I liked that scene in Airplane....
Pone glyphs must be some straight up super magic to take such actions against someone reading them
The score.
So are they actually doing 4:3 or is it a joke lol
Hahahah. Neglected children whose mothers have been incarcerated. That Oda is so whimsical.
The Alabasta Poneglyph had the location of the Pluton. Franky has the blueprints.Some have blueprints for weapons that can do way more damage then buster calls, like Pluton.
Toonami |Oct14| It's a lot of fu
Smash Run is the worst part of the game.
He's a happy-go-lucky dude.
Here's the full version
The person that cut it off for TV is probably going to get fired
Yep, that's definitely the scene from Airplane...
Another issue with Family Guy, they'd rather repeat the jokes from old movies instead of twisting them or trying something original
Op started before 16:9 was standard.
a month of solitude will do that to you
Smash Run is the worst part of the game.
The Alabasta Poneglyph had the location of the Pluton. Franky has the blueprints.
I have to wonder if something happened considering the recent chapters. Really dark stuff.