Sinon is an idiot, everybody knows the power of friendship trumps all. Has this baka ever seen an anime?
GET OUT OF THE FUCKING ROBOT SHINJISimone, maybe you should get out of the robot.
You ever think that Kamina not running is the reason he's dead? Connect the dots Simon.
Lagann puked at that Mr. Pickles promo and bailed
Going berserk usually leads to dead bodies and end of the world, not spilling your lunch.
Kamina took a big surprise blow he couldn't have blocked, one that he never would have taken if Simon had his shit together. That's why he's like this, dude blames himself for what happened and frankly he's kinda right.
Lagann puked at that Mr. Pickles promo and bailed
Kamina made that Slime Grape Hippo as dead as him.
I think its pretty good...Wow, that VGHS thing looks........stupid....
God damn, they're really advertising YouTube channels now. This whole internet thing might be getting big
Kamina took a big surprise blow he couldn't have blocked, one that he never would have taken if Simon had his shit together. That's why he's like this, dude blames himself for what happened and frankly he's kinda right.
A Video Game High School commercial? On Television???
Okay, i'm startig to come around on the space bars. They look neat.
He only watches Eva
If only Simone could meet some hot girl his age to pull him out of this slump