Wouldnt it require less effort to just have characters have the same voice actor?Yep. Sadly shows never do this because it requires effort. Disappointing that Funimation didn't.
I think TFS are the only ones who did which says a lot.
Never heard of the common yet dumb bodyswap trope of the voices swapping along with the voices, but only the audience hears the difference?
That's what GOOD body swap episodes do while having the actual voice be inner dialogue. It's more fun when a VA tries to act like another character.
Frieza pulled a Kubo and appeared from behind!
So BS"He's been using the Kaio-Ken the entire time!"
Welp, they're screwed
Aw fuck, we got to deal with Ginyu for more then one episode?
Jesus do they seriously fuck on stage?Time for Rated-R EDGE!
Time for Rated-R EDGE!
Really tho Piccolo is the smartest one of the bunch. He should have immediately saw right through Ginyu
Time for Rated-R EDGE!
Jesus do they seriously fuck on stage?
Jesus do they seriously fuck on stage?
Jesus do they seriously fuck on stage?
Jesus do they seriously fuck on stage?
Time for Rated-R EDGE!
Time for Rated-R EDGE!
This must have been at the absolute tail end before they went PG
Wait whatPlease we all know anime protagonists never get laid.
This has to be old. Current WWE wouldn't allow this.
I mean, that's not really true. EvenPlease we all know anime protagonists never get laid.