Another thing that grinds my gears about DC Nation at least the middling Thundercats got to air all of their episodes.
I think this shows need to fight a monster every episode is kind of a disservice.
Well, that was less stupid than when Serpenterra got destroyed by a single red ranger on a flying space motorcycle.
Promise (Reprise) just played during the Silent Hill commercial. The movie is now slightly less shitty.
I think the show did a great job maintaining action / interest in each ep. It IS named after the giant robot, so he SHOULD make an appearance very often.
It keeps a good pace, even with feature-packed eps. It might actually throw off the flow of the show, if they had less fights...
I really loved how nothing felt like filler in this show. Doesn't mean it was all perfect, but it never felt wasteful.
Anybody else think it's a travesty that they play Promise (Reprise) during that Silent Hill Revelation 3D commercial?
Even the first movie had You're Not Here.
There are really a few stand out Titan episodes, the tutoring/date episode and the pet episode being the most obvious ones.
For reals. Ok I'm out for tonight I think, later guys.
Man, this is the episode that made me think this show was gonna be something special. WHY, THUNDERCATS?!?! WHY?!?
Trojan Horse!
Thundercats 2011 was a show that could have benefited being on Toonami back when it was new. Some blood was needed.
They did it quite a bit during the first movie.
Speaking of, that flick was violent as fuck. Did Pyramid Head even skin a woman whole during the game series?
Giant robots? Time to call some samurai.
No scrubs, B-Dub. No scrubs.
Lion-O SOLD HIS WIFE.Samurai my Thundercats?
I think this shows need to fight a monster every episode is kind of a disservice.