Still don't get this girl as a Naraku incarnate
Basically every female who isn't Inuyasha's, Moroku's, or Shippo's hussy is a clone thing of Naraku.
Basically every female who isn't Inuyasha's, Moroku's, or Shippo's hussy is a clone thing of Naraku.
Man everyone wants Inuyasha'sD.hea
Inuyasha: Harem edition.
Kaede confirmed Naraku incarnate :O
Kaede confirmed Naraku incarnate :O
inuyasha has so many yaoi harem shippings, like the entire band of 7, fangirls must have had a field day.
even genkotsu?
even genkotsu
Nope can't do it, bout to fall asleep, will watch this episode tomorrow, night everyone
what is the difference in those women besides their clothing
This is like the most competent kid in the series.
Suddenly. I am aware that sango has some decently sized boobs