Has anyone had any joy getting DSR to work? Changing resolutions to higher than 1920x1080 doesn't stick. The GUI is huge at this resolution, so it would be nice to change that also. I can't see an obvious way, but I'm assuming DSR would sort of do that anyway if it would work.
It's an issue with Unity engine games. You have to set your desktop resolution to your DSR resolution for it to work.
Nice, I didn't even realize. I wish this game wasn't this long in development as all the buzz seems to have died down. 4 or 5 years is too much honestly. Ill play the beta tomorrow.
I fail to see too many similarities between this and Wasteland 2 to be honest.I can't start a new thread, but Torment: Tides of Numenera is also coming to PS4 and Xbox One in Q1 2017.
Source (in Polish): http://www.eurogamer.pl/articles/20...numenera-takze-na-ps4-i-xbox-one-nowy-trailer
Fargo is quoted saying that they wanted to do it after the success of Wasteland 2 on consoles. No concrete release date yet, more info on gamescom.
I can't start a new thread, but Torment: Tides of Numenera is also coming to PS4 and Xbox One in Q1 2017.
Source (in Polish): http://www.eurogamer.pl/articles/20...numenera-takze-na-ps4-i-xbox-one-nowy-trailer
Fargo is quoted saying that they wanted to do it after the success of Wasteland 2 on consoles. No concrete release date yet, more info on gamescom.
Path to Gold
Phew! It's been a busy month. The Torment team has been hustling hard to get the game polished for release. The game is nearly ready, which means we're now doing all that "boring" stuff that gets Torment ready for you to play.
What does that include? Well, Jeremy, Evan and other members of the design team have been working away on balancing to make sure our Crisis encounters are as entertaining as can be, and that things like loot distribution, economy and character progression are playing well. A lot of number tweaking! Those on the writing and area design side have been playing through the game and fixing any remaining quest, story and content issues. Our engineers Steve, Jesse, Dan and more have been hammering hard on performance optimization and pesky bugs to make sure everything runs better, faster, stronger. Meanwhile, we've got our artists, scripters and more devoted to further polish and cleaning up animations, character rigs, and textures.
Fortunately, things are looking really good, so weve been able to divert more folks time toward playing the game, finding bugs, identifying balance and progression issues, and tying up any loose ends in quests. It might sound like a strange thing to say, but sometimes for developers, simply finding the time to sit back and enjoy our own games is a luxury, so weve been doing that too.
We also wouldn't be complete rounding up our recent progress without giving another shout-out to the QA teams at Testronic and Techland, plus our external localization partners. Those teams have all been putting in huge amounts of hours and Torment is very much improved thanks to them.
All of this work is bringing us closer and closer to a release-to-manufacturing build of the game. We've been directing our efforts towards that milestone, and when that happens, it will mean Torment is effectively a finished, complete game we can all be proud of. You can rest assured we'll be hammering away as long as we can to give you the best possible experience upon release early next year.
Last, in the previous update we hinted that we'll have a new beta update for Torment coming, and that's still the plan. This will have many of the refinements we've mentioned above, plus new features like the ability to switch between mouse/keyboard and controller versions of the interface. We'll keep you all posted!
new update. Sounds like they're getting close to release now.
Even if they do, I have a very strong urge to wait until we're a few patches in before playing this.That update makes it sound like they are on target to hit Q1 release, but at the same you would expect them to give us the release date very soon if that is the case.
Also inXile released class trailers for the three classes glaive, jack and nano. I usually play melee characters in RPGs, but will probably go nano for my first run in this because of their speech and lore skills. If PS:T is anything to go by having those skills high will let you experience the game to the fullest. Hopefully inXile has made glaive and jack competetive in that sense too in Torment though.
Hello Exiles,
Today's update is a little on the short side, but I think you'll forgive us this time
We are extremely excited to announce that Torment: Tides of Numenera will be releasing February 28th, 2017! It has been a long journey, and without your help on Kickstarter it would never have happened. We could not be happier to be delivering a successor to the Torment name and legacy, and we look forward to you enjoying it early next year.
Ok, since the game's about to come out I'd been thinking of the best thread to ask this, and since it's related to backing rewards I imagine this is the best one:
Any recommendations on reading the novellas? The comic that's out currently? I got them loaded up on my Kindle but I'm wondering if release order is best, or maybe if these SEEM like they'd be better after playing the game. And, hell, how many who backed at a tier to get the novellas have read them?
This is all I can see quickly. Maybe when it comes out there'll be a Collector's Edition on Steam but that's kind of too late, isn't it?How does a non-pledger get the novellas? I'm kinda keen on the idea of having the setting already established before I jump in on the 28th.
Backer Collectors Edition, 125$ + Shipping (20$ for me)
retail edition (115$ shipping included)
Differences in *physical* stuff:
+ Statue
+ Tidal Talisman
+ Printed map (looks like paper)
+ Art book (might be the same as in KS)
+ Travelers guide (no idea how that differs from game manual)
+ Printed map (cloth)
+ Concept art book (might be the same as in retail)
+ Game manual (no idea how that differs from Travelers guide)
Differences in *digital* stuff (I'll just assume the digital stuff matters waaaaaay less as you can't put, say, a digital novella on book shelf.
+ Mindforged Synthsteel plating (looks to be an in-game armor)
+ Name in credits
+ Strategy guide
+ Novella collection