Seraphis Cain
bad gameplay lol
Looks like we're starting off with a potentially big outbreak this year:
Via Dr. Forbes:
As always, if you're in any of these areas, keep aware of the situation and be prepared just in case!
Via Dr. Forbes:
Thur Apr 3 - severe thunderstorm and tornado outbreak likely in central and south MO, south half IN, southwest OH, northeast, central, and west KY, westTN, AR, southeast KS, east OK, east TX (from I-35 eastward and south to San Antonio and Galveston by evening), northwest LA. TORCON - 8 south MO, north
AR, south IL; 7 east OK, south AR; 5 south IN, west KY, west TN, northwest LA, east TX.
Thur Night Apr 3-4 - Severe thunderstorm and tornado outbreak continues in central and south IL, south half IN, south OH, KY, west and middle TN, north and west-central AL, north, central, and southwest MS, north, central and southwest LA, east TX, east OK, AR, south, central, and northeast MO. TORCON - 7 southeast MO, south IL; 6 - southwest, central, northeast MO, west KY, west TN, southeast AR, northwest MS; 5 east OK, south IN, central KY,
middle TN, northeast MS; 4 rest of area above
As always, if you're in any of these areas, keep aware of the situation and be prepared just in case!