Date: Friday July 24th
Time: 8pm
Location: Clintons
693 Bloor St W
We'll start off here and undoubtedly wander down to Koreatown for Soju and KFC(Korean Fried Chicken).
#TeamWarm and enjoying the summer? #TeamWinter and hating it? #IhatethePANAMGames and want something else to do? Well come to TorontoGAF Meetup 13!
Join us for a drink while we mourn the loss of our dear town mascot Conrad. Not since Ikea Monkey has a furry critter clawed its way into our hearts and minds. Come share your favorite Conrad stories with the rest of us as we say goodbye to a friend.
But that's not all, Meetup 13 will be featuring a Speedrunners tournament with prizes!

If you don't know, Speedrunners is an awesome couch co-op game that is basically Mario Kart on foot. Only the goal isn't to get to cross the finish line first, the goal is to get so far ahead your opponents they get caught and die as the stage scrolls with the leader.
We'll be playing on my laptop:

Tournament will be organized so that there is a 4 player final. Three runners up get $10 Amazon.ca gift cards. Winner gets a $25 Amazon.ca gift card and this awesome signed Shadow of the Beast concept art poster:

And of course the Mystery box will be back for a 4th time! In addition to the Mystery Box, for the first time every, there will be Non Box prizes available to be won.

Meetup 13 will have the best odds of winning ever!*
*actual odds of winning depend on number of entries received
Kuro said:But I'm shy and scared of meeting people I don't know
Best way to get over that? Go out and meet some people. Yes, we don't know you, and you don't know us. However, the people I've met have all been friendly and we haven't had disagreements in the past. What will you talk about? What do you want to talk about?
But it's too far and it's too cold warm!
Yes...! Another convert of Team Warm! One of us was driving back from NEW YORK the night of the last meet up and STILL made it. Another came all the way from OTTAWA! The temperatures for the last meet up, I'm guessing, were colder than this coming meet up AND there was a power outage last time. Nothing...stops this train.
Fear not my #TeamWinter, friends. We will be inside, drinking cold beverages.
But I don't drink alcohol and bar food is disgusting
Come chat and/or bring your portable game system and play a few rounds of that popular video game with us. You can always come just to say hello, see the carnage, and be witness to the shenanigans.
But I'm poor...!
If you can make it, people usually treat others to at least one round. Of course, we aren't going to do this if Rob Ford or something like 50 crazies show up, but anyone who comes for a drink always gets one. You can always join Kraftwerk for some Kraft Water.
I'm busy doing [insert activity here]
If you're busy at home watching tv/movies or playing video games, they aren't going anywhere, and you can play games with us and discuss tv/movies with us. If you're busy doing someone, well...you can finish and then come visit after a shower of course.
I'm tired
Nothing brings out the energy like discussion and body slams.
Why would I want to go meet a bunch of Internet gaming nerds?
lol says the person posting on an Internet gaming forum.
Never been to a meetup before? Come anyway, we're all friendly and love meeting new gaffers. All you need to know is two things:
1) Coors Lite = Water
2) Soju is the nectar of the gods
Last meetup's alumni:

Last meetup before Fan Expo. Lets do this!
Evil Mario