Kuro Madoushi
Unconfirmed Member
He must have been a great man for a stadium to be named after him.
Why does he deserve a memorial?
WTF is wrong with Tory?
I have no idea why the Ford cult of personality exists. What did they ever do to gather a fanbase?As much as I disliked Ford, he was (and the family still is) extremely popular in Etobicoke.
Had free BBQs and would hand out $20 bills.I have no idea why the Ford cult of personality exists. What did they ever do to gather a fanbase?
Crack.Isn't this the guy who was recorded tweeking hard on meth?
I went to Ford Fest when he held it in Scarborough, purely out of curiousity, and it was a zoo. Seriously, it was Angry White Person Central. Lots of threats and yelling, from the volunteers and attendees, when there was a delay with the free burgers. When the LGBT protestors showed up the crowd got scary angry and mobbed them.Had free BBQs and would hand out $20 bills.
Real answer, he always made time for his constituents as a councilor although the above is true also.
I have no idea why the Ford cult of personality exists. What did they ever do to gather a fanbase?
Does Tory mean the same thing in Canada as it does over here? His name's giving me a good chuckle.
I completely forgot about that video. :lol
Yes, it's especially funny because he used to be the leader of the Ontario Progressive Conservative Party.
Tory pandering to the Ford nation base in an election year. Miller should have run for a third term. Fucking Rob Ford, set the city back decades.
Why does he deserve a memorial?
Noooooooooooooobody forgot .Did you forget the furniture salesman Mel Lastman? He made a racial joke about Africans that cost the city the 2008 Olympic games.
Mel Lastman got a public square named after him while he was mayor of Toronto.Did you forget the furniture salesman Mel Lastman? He made a racial joke about Africans that cost the city the 2008 Olympic games.
Does Tory mean the same thing in Canada as it does over here? His name's giving me a good chuckle.
Most of his supporters still didn't believe any of the shit he did. They only remember him as that guy who looked like Michelin man and stuck it to the downtown elite.
what's interesting is that while Donald Trump was elected with the white vote, rob ford actually carried the minority vote when he was elected. His base was the poor low information blue collar population of Toronto, and that transcended race. Most of his supporters still don't believe any of the shit he did. They only remember him as that guy who looked like Michelin man and stuck it to the downtown elite.
Tory pandering to the Ford nation base in an election year. Miller should have run for a third term. Fucking Rob Ford, set the city back decades.
Miller running for a third term would've done what exactly? He was inefficient with money (especially having no problems with hiking taxes and complaining about lack of funds for social services, only to cut on public services. Which was poorly thought out to say the least), TTC was riddled with issues under his watch, largely responsible for the revitalization of Regent Park and soon Lawrence Heights (while also failing to see the root of the problem within these neighbourhoods), to name a few.
Rob Ford was an idiot, but Miller wasn't really good at his job either.
That's true, but she has also talked about how she regrets making it such a car-focused place with huge wide roads everywhere. Mississauga is really, really non-walkable, even for a suburb.
It's actually kind of crazy crossing the border into Oakville and seeing how much more pleasant it is at the human scale.
We'd have multiple LRT lines from Transit City inside of Eglinton LRT still being half a decade out. And the money sink hole in Scarborough would have never have existed. SUBWAYS SUBWAYS SUBWAYS.
People think Ford was good with money because he cut things like catering and council expenses, but yet we'll lose billions over time and resources lost on his other ventures.