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Tory MP suggests LGBT equality is making Christians ‘second-class citizens’

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I suspect this one MP doesn't speak on behalf of his party, especially his fellow Tory MPs who identify as LGBT...

Of course he doesn't, but a lot of tories are bigoted in different ways

there's also Philip Davies, the anti feminist Tory

And boris Johnson and his nazi comparisons

They ain't Republicans yet but lord they are getting there


Chili Con Carnage!
"It is unacceptable for people to treat us the way we want to treat gay people"

If only Jesus had passed down some guidance on what Christians should do unto others.
Well this is a Tory MP writing in a Catholic newspaper. He's speaking as a Catholic, not as the government.

As an MP, you are a representative of both your electorate and your party. Even if he is speaking against the codified party rules on this matter, he is still reflecting their views in some slight way, because at the end of the day the Party is just the sum of like minded individuals.

If the majority opinion of the Party came out and dis-endorsed these comment, then I could understand, but there's a fat chance of that happening.


As an MP, you are a representative of both your electorate and your party. Even if he is speaking against the codified party rules on this matter, he is still reflecting their views in some slight way, because at the end of the day the Party is just the sum of like minded individuals.

If the majority opinion of the Party came out and dis-endorsed these comment, then I could understand, but there's a fat chance of that happening.

The parties official platform is against these comments.

The current prime minister and former prime minister are against these comments, and both have pushed forward LGBT friendly legislation, and continue to do so.

I hate how I'm put in the position of defending them here, but comparing the tories to republicans on this issue is dumb and incorrect. Gay rights isn't a wedge issue in this country, and when the prime minister is accepting awards from LGBT charities for her work I think we can all accept it's not the same as in America. The tories are moving *further* towards gay rights, not away from it.

(They do after all have the largest number of gay MPs in the house currently).
The parties official platform is against these comments.

The current prime minister and former prime minister are against these comments, and both have pushed forward LGBT friendly legislation, and continue to do so.

I hate how I'm put in the position of defending them here, but comparing the tories to republicans on this issue is dumb and incorrect. Gay rights isn't a wedge issue in this country, and when the prime minister is accepting awards from LGBT charities for her work I think we can all accept it's not the same as in America. The tories are moving *further* towards gay rights, not away from it.

(They do after all have the largest number of gay MPs in the house currently).

I stand corrected

To be honest, I do actually admire the Conservatives on this issue, they seem more progressive than Canada's or Australia's right-wing loons


lol what a prick.


What a RED prick. Holy shit he's so red. It's not even just that photo either. Google image search this guy. He's ALWAYS red.


I stand corrected

To be honest, I do actually admire the Conservatives on this issue, they seem more progressive than Canada's or Australia's right-wing loons

It's a really odd quirk of British politics, but people like Cameron and May have pushed the party hard in this direction. It's left our right wing curiously out of step with other right wing parties elsewhere in the world - I'm fairly sure gay marriage in the UK remains the only place in the world where a right wing party passed the legislation.

Whatever the reasons, I'm (obviously) happy that it's basically dead as a culture war issue politically. Obviously, to quote stonewall :'lots done, lots left to do' - but the fact that our right wing government is talking about these issues and trying to address them gives me some small hope (e.g. Such as homophobic bullying in schools).


Gay people: We're coming after your children, your husbands, your sisters, and now your class. /s

I'm amazed that people can say these types of things about another human being.
I don't get this line of thought. "Your right to swing your fists ends at my nose", right? So part of your freedom to live how you want can't include restricting how someone else lives. That's the way I always saw it.


That's awful... I don't see how it makes Christians 'second-class citizens' at all.
Their feelings and beliefs aren't automatically accepted as law of the land anymore, so naturally they're second-class citizens now.

Makes complete sense...


The plus point is this is a minority view even in our right wing party. Theresa May herself gave a speech at the pink awards earlier this year, and the government is continuing to take action on homophobic bullying in schools etc.

It's a horrible, stupid thing to say, but it's not even close to a majority opinion in the party. Roar of a dinosaur and all.

(Unlike the USA where this is still mainstream right wing thinking).

For all the failures of the Tory "modernisers" you have to give them some credit on these sorts of social issues. Theresa May also frequently attacked the police for not being ethnically diverse enough and stop and search being racially motivated etc. It's a real concern of mine that as well as bringing anti-immigration sentiment to a fever pitch, Brexit might also sweep aside the liberal consensus in parliament on these issues.


For all the failures of the Tory "modernisers" you have to give them some credit on these sorts of social issues. Theresa May also frequently attacked the police for not being ethnically diverse enough and stop and search being racially motivated etc. It's a real concern of mine that as well as bringing anti-immigration sentiment to a fever pitch, Brexit might also sweep aside the liberal consensus in parliament on these issues.

Theresa Mays speech to the police federation is still one of the finest moments of any politician I've seen recently. It takes a hell of a lot of guts for a right wing Home Secretary to stand up to the top police in the country and say 'the police are racist. It's not just a bad apple or two, your forces are Instituionally racist and either fix it or I will'.

You then compare that to her language in immigrants and wonder wtf is going on. But in terms of racism in the police, she said what's needed to be said for decades.

Edit: I take some heart in the fact that UKIP keeps flirting with anti gay rights stuff, and every time ends up backing away because it's toxic even for their voter base.


You then compare that to her language in immigrants and wonder wtf is going on. But in terms of racism in the police, she said what's needed to be said for decades.

Teresa May seems to say a lot of things that are in conflict with what she does.


Although I'm probably not understanding your post fully. The Bible is widely open to interpretation, people pick and choose what they believe - a #notallchristians as you put it, is kind of true. My incredibly Catholic grandparents for instance are pro gay marriage. Homophobia extends well beyond religion

Of course, but in this situation, and just like the other one, the people we are talking about are clearly the majority of that group. The people exhibiting "white fragility" do not represent the entire group, but they are acting as a majority (politically at least) and hand waving them away as #notall_______ is meaningless and doesn't address the issue of the heinous shit they are pushing and voting for. If you aren't one of these christians, then this isn't talking about you!


Nothing's changed this is the UK conservative party.

No it isn't.

Again, I really, really hate that I end up in this position but posting dumb stuff deserves a response.

This guy is a fringe person the party. This is the party that passed gay marriage, whose leader just accepted an award for gay rights, who have identified homophobic bullying in schools as a key area, and whose party platform doesn't look anything like this.

The tories are not the republicans. For all their evil and faults, gay rights is not something you can really have a go at them for. They remain the only right wing party in the world to pass gay marriage. They have more gay MPs than any other party in the house.

There's enough shit spewing from them that we don't need to ignore the areas where they HAVE made progress.
The Conservative Party has a bunch of cunts, but this isn't a man who speaks on behalf of the party, particularly one that is far, far, far more socially liberal than the Republican Party across the pond. This particular cunt with this amazing display of persecution complex is a dinosaur though, and I can't wait for people of his ilk to leave the political picture.
Speaking as a British Catholic... fuck this noise.

If anything, given the history of Catholic persecution in this country, shouldn't that be exactly why to support gay rights? We wanted to live as we wished, we got that, now let others have the same opportunity.


Speaking as a British Catholic... fuck this noise.

If anything, given the history of Catholic persecution in this country, shouldn't that be exactly why to support gay rights? We wanted to live as we wished, we got that, now let others have the same opportunity.

The ironic thing, in the area of the UK where Catholics actually are persecuted (Northern Ireland), it's Sinn Fein pushing for gay marriage politically.

Bailey 87

No it isn't.

Again, I really, really hate that I end up in this position but posting dumb stuff deserves a response.

This guy is a fringe person the party. This is the party that passed gay marriage, whose leader just accepted an award for gay rights, who have identified homophobic bullying in schools as a key area, and whose party platform doesn't look anything like this.

The tories are not the republicans. For all their evil and faults, gay rights is not something you can really have a go at them for. They remain the only right wing party in the world to pass gay marriage. They have more gay MPs than any other party in the house.

There's enough shit spewing from them that we don't need to ignore the areas where they HAVE made progress.

let's not forget that the majority of Tories voted against gay marriage. (126 opposed 117 in favour)

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
Why is the connection between being a Tory and/or a republican and being a hateful bigoted shitbag so strong? I'm starting to believe these people are just sad, sheltered waifs that are lashing out at anything different to feel safe.


lets not forget that the majority of Tories voted against gay marriage (126 opposed 117 in favour)

Of course - but let's also not forget a significant number of them have since said they fucked up and would vote differently, and that the 2015 intake is more pro gay rights than the 2010 intake.

Like I said, they are still the nasty party in so many ways, there's no need to let some evil dinosaur whose a relic in his own party eclipse some of the few good things they did.
Of course - but let's also not forget a significant number of them have since said they fucked up and would vote differently, and that the 2015 intake is more pro gay rights than the 2010 intake.

Like I said, they are still the nasty party in so many ways, there's no need to let some evil dinosaur whose a relic in his own party eclipse some of the few good things they did.

At best gay marriage was an achievement of the coalition government, not the Tories. The Lib Dems were instrumental in passing it.


At best gay marriage was an achievement of the coalition government, not the Tories. The Lib Dems were instrumental in passing it.

I've met Lynne Featherstone several times, and thanked her personally for her work - i'm well aware of her role... ;-) But Cameron had talked about passing gay marriage at the Tory party conference previously and it was in their manifesto paper on equalities. Theresa May was responsible for pushing it through cabinet in the first place, and without the Tory leadership backing it doesn't go anywhere.

Not trying to write the lib dems out of the picture - without Lynne none of it would have happened as it did and they are absolutely key. But this was a thread about the tories, and they do deserve some credit for it.


GAF's Bob Woodward
I think a small minority of Catholics are upset that their views on gay marriage are becoming less and less culturally/socially acceptable, and are confusing that with state-level treatment as a second class citizen. Which, of course, that is not. They're entitled to air their views and others are entitled to dislike their views, and if people do dislike their views, it's nothing to do with legal/state discrimination or being a second class citizen. If they want to know what the latter actually is they could ask...well...LGBT people.

I'd stress that I think it's a narrow minority who feel like this, or who feel strongly like this. And they're the type of people who often have persecution complexes about 'happy holidays' and all that.
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