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ToS Ending Questions (Spoilers Ahoy!)


I'm not going to bother putting spoiler tags on anything since I've already given a warning...FLEE NOW IF YOU VALUE YOUR LIVES


This is the first Tales game that I've played, and the ending of Symphonia has left me with a few questions. I've heard that Symphonia is a prequel of sorts to one of the other Tales games, in which the Kharlan Tree plays a significant role, as does the Eternal Sword. If this is true, which Tales game is it?

Also, Lloyd was about to give a name to the Great Tree...but it cuts to the credits before he could say the name? Why would Namco do this? Is the name of the tree given in another Tales game perhaps?

Does anyone know the significance in naming the game "Symphonia"? Where exactly does that name come from and what does it mean in the game?


The names have no signifigance to the plot in any of the games. It's just typical Japanese "flowery English is cool" type of mentality.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Symphonia is probably the name of the land after Tethealla and Sylvarant joined together.

Tethealla + Sylvarant = Symphonia.


Errrrr, since when did the titles in Tales games mean anything?

Tales of Phantansia
Tales of Destiny
Tales of Eternia
Tales of Destiny 2
Tales of Symphonia
Tales of Rebirth

So.... yeah, I don't see why you would need a reason *why* the game is called Tales of Symphonia. There doesn't need to be a reason, it's just another fantasy style title.
As the other thread said, Symphonia is not the anme of the combined world: it is Aselia. Most of the other Tales games have cameos, but no true connections. Symphonia is only connected to Phantasia.

Orin GA

I wish I could hat you to death
I was wondering while im playing this game a second time through. Do we ever find out what happened to Dorr's wife.
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