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TOS sold out nationwide


TOS didn't ride the media hype train like a lot of Xbox games do. Usually, the candidates for awards are those that received a lot of hype. Rarely do under the radar games receive awards.

Musashi Wins!

human5892 said:
Yikes, someone hit a nerve! :(

Maybe KOTOR wasn't that fun for him -- everyone's entitled to their opinion.

Thanks for clarifying that. I thought it was some sort of genius, solid fact. Can you make another post where you explain my opining? I can single out stupidity with snarkiness, it's what makes GA go round.


Queen of Denmark
Musashi Wins! said:
Thanks for clarifying that. I thought it was some sort of genius, solid fact. Can you make another post where you explain my opining?

"Yikes! Sounds like I hit a nerve. :(

I was just pointing out that your reaction seemed a little over the top relative to his comment."
Musashi Wins! said:
I can single out stupidity with snarkiness, it's what makes GA go round.
Classifying people expressing their opinions as "stupid" doesn't make the GAF go round. It makes it cry. :(


ok why the hell does ebgames NOT have any copies? it says back order! and that zip code search also had "no" under "more coming." If this is a hit why stop making copies? how much does a freaking disk cost? yeesh.

I may have to buy a pre-owned one like I did with Ico. I want a new one. :(


no need to buy pre-owned, check:


someone is bound to have it in stock...


Suikoguy said:
I can confirm this
No additional copies have been shipped, none scheduled to arrive

Best of both worlds:

1. Exceeds Namco's expectations (more Tales of games?)
2. It might become rare!


efralope said:
no need to buy pre-owned, check:


someone is bound to have it in stock...

heh I checked Best Buy and they have it in stock. I just ordered one seconds ago. :D


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
No, what I meant is: There will likely not be extra copies for a week or so

The Developer (Namco) Did not produce enough copies of the game to meet initial demand.


Namco does want sales, especially to pick up the slack for JP TOS sales. Manufacturing new copies takes time so the short supply period is short.


Suikoguy said:
No, what I meant is: There will likely not be extra copies for a week or so

The Developer (Namco) Did not produce enough copies of the game to meet initial demand.

You bastards scared me. :(

bleh I was going to buy it anyway... and there's nothing wrong with pre-owned games. ::hugs Ico::
Except for the fact that in buying pre-owned you are funding Gamestop or something similar, rather than the people who actually contributed to the creation of the game


Musashi Wins! said:
dude, get real. ToS isn't going to be up for any game of the year awards come Dec. It hasn't reviewed as well as KOTOR, and just because the GC gets a decent RPG finally it's no reason to trash it's superior. Just enjoy your game without being stupid.

My zip code search is showing at least 10 copies available (a couple 4+ listings).

Battle systems are key for me. Battle systems must not be improtant to you. KOTOR battle system was nearly as clunky as Suikoden III's. KOTOR was mediocre at best. Decent story, but half-assed battle system. That isn't "trashing" KOTOR. i give reviews by mags and such a 6.8. They don't matter to me. YMMV. Don't take it as a personal affront. Yeeesh!


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
NotMSRP said:
Namco does want sales, especially to pick up the slack for JP TOS sales. Manufacturing new copies takes time so the short supply period is short.


It looks like namco was caught off guard, in other words, this is good news for Tales fans

Musashi Wins!

P90 said:
Battle systems are key for me. Battle systems must not be improtant to you. KOTOR battle system was nearly as clunky as Suikoden III's. KOTOR was mediocre at best. Decent story, but half-assed battle system. That isn't "trashing" KOTOR. i give reviews by mags and such a 6.8. They don't matter to me. YMMV. Don't take it as a personal affront. Yeeesh!

I only take it personal to the effect that I think it's worth noting that an opinion isn't very good if it's, "I love Kotor, it's like TOS except a good game, har har." Say something else outside of a troll, explain a take a bit. I fully realize someone could like TOS better, but why not say why? I'd take KOTOR's battle system over any part of Suikoden III, and ToS over that game as well. ToS has a really fun battling system linked to a story that's recognized as really lame outside this board, to me that's a problem for such a narrative driven genre, but you must not think that's important. Reviewer's play a lot of different games in the same genre and while I'll be the last to support everything they do it's obvious that while KOTOR was a breath of fresh air to the genre and voted to many GOTY awards, TOS is an above average title that won't be accorded near the same status as time passes. If you think that's due to the "hype" machine and not any sort of merit, that's fine by me. I didn't make the comparison.


P90 said:
ToS is the Cube's KOTOR, except that ToS is good.

Here is your original post. It was total flamebait, and not even close to what you said in the 2nd. Anywhoo, ToS does look pretty fun. I'm thrown off by the art design.. (don't like), but if the combat kicks ass then it should be worth it.


KOTOR/TOS actually seem pretty similar it terms of early success imo. Both releasing on RPG starved platforms in the summer months, neither having much real hype prerelease, both having novel "real time" combat engines for the genre, high reviews all around, both selling extremely well... I hope Symphonia has the same staying power, it's definitely a strong canidate for RPG of the year awards (the only real strong competition would be Star Ocean, FFXI and Paper Mario 2 imo). I think KOTOR had not only the benefit of higher reviews generally but less competition and it being a western developed RPG scores points too.


I like Tales of Symphonia better too. I like the battles, the art direction, it's just a beautiful game. IMO it's the best RPG so far this gen, though I expect Dragon Quest VIII will topple it.


My store is sold out of that title. We only received 14 copies since launch of the game, and it truely wasn't enough.


Tales games > KOTOR. But I have an irrational hatred for all things D&D and Star Wars, so I'm not the one to ask. :p

Anyway. ToS has been cleaned out of my town, I had to order it from EB. Last time that happened was...HM64. Wacky. Pretty different story from ToE/D2 which had small shipments, but was still easy as hell to find, heh.


Meatpuppet said:
Except for the fact that in buying pre-owned you are funding Gamestop or something similar, rather than the people who actually contributed to the creation of the game

Unfortunately that's true. Ico is the only pre-owned game I ever bought though because I could not find a single copy anywere.


namco just printed the game conservatively. i'm certain the chains will reorder, and then namco will reprint, and all will be well.

KOTOR vs. TOS argument is kinda bizarre. they strike me as not highly comparable on many levels besides being RPGs. that is to say -- i would expect someone who really loves one to not think the other is so great, given their various differences.

Alex said:
Tales games > KOTOR. But I have an irrational hatred for all things D&D and Star Wars, so I'm not the one to ask.
i have an entirely rational dislike of star wars and D&D, and thus didn't actually play much KOTOR. i feel like i ought to, but i can't make myself want to.


P90 said:
KOTOR was mediocre at best. Decent story, but half-assed battle system. That isn't "trashing" KOTOR. i give reviews by mags and such a 6.8. They don't matter to me. YMMV. Don't take it as a personal affront. Yeeesh!

Kotor won a handful of GOTYs from credible sites last year, it managed to rank amoung the top tier RPGS of all time. You honetly belive the mojority of gamers are jaded?

high reviews all around,

TOS isnt scoring nearly as well as KOTOR, its not reciving the same amount of hype from reviewers or websites alike. People feel the need to trash KOTOR because its an extremely well done Xbox game. And that its one of the few superior RPGs from the west.
jarrod said:
KOTOR/TOS actually seem pretty similar it terms of early success imo. Both releasing on RPG starved platforms in the summer months, neither having much real hype prerelease, both having novel "real time" combat engines for the genre, high reviews all around, both selling extremely well... I hope Symphonia has the same staying power, it's definitely a strong canidate for RPG of the year awards (the only real strong competition would be Star Ocean, FFXI and Paper Mario 2 imo). I think KOTOR had not only the benefit of higher reviews generally but less competition and it being a western developed RPG scores points too.

Umm why does everyone seem to miss the fact KOTOR has NAME RECOGNITION? Seriously, it may come as a surprise, but Star Wars is pretty popular in this country. For this reason alone KOTOR will outsell ToS. It's a wet dream for gamers to be able to level up their young knight into powerful Jedis (good or bad).

Not saying anything bad about the game, but honestly, it could've sucked hard and still sold reasonably well. Every Star Wars game sells at LEAST reasonably well.


Prine said:
TOS isnt scoring nearly as well as KOTOR, its not reciving the same amount of hype from reviewers or websites alike. People feel the need to trash KOTOR because its an extremely well done Xbox game. And that its one of the few superior RPGs from the west

Or maybe they just don't agree with you. I certainly never saw anything in KOTOR to justify the scores it got. It was nice to have some choice over how the story developed, even if it was relatively minor, but the story itself was good at best, and the battle system was flat-out boring - especially compared to Symphonia.


Prine said:
TOS isnt scoring nearly as well as KOTOR, its not reciving the same amount of hype from reviewers or websites alike.
Eh, it's getting high scores none the less and a good share of media attention. They're not exactly the same no, but they have quite a few surprising parallels.

worldrunover said:
Umm why does everyone seem to miss the fact KOTOR has NAME RECOGNITION? Seriously, it may come as a surprise, but Star Wars is pretty popular in this country. For this reason alone KOTOR will outsell ToS. It's a wet dream for gamers to be able to level up their young knight into powerful Jedis (good or bad).

Not saying anything bad about the game, but honestly, it could've sucked hard and still sold reasonably well. Every Star Wars game sells at LEAST reasonably well.
I agree with that though I'd also say KOTOR's success stems more from the quality of the game itself, a lack of competition on XBox and Bioware's reputation moreso than the Star Wars license even. Branding does help though, and it's something Symphonia lacks (in the west).


Or maybe they just don't agree with you.

Not only me, but the mojority of gamers and sites, which is fine of its an opinion. But state it as fact while ignoring everything KOTOR achived is down right ignorant imo.

His first post was flamebait, it's hard to ignore staements like that


jarrod said:
I agree with that though I'd also say KOTOR's success stems more from the quality of the game itself, a lack of competition on XBox and Bioware's reputation moreso than the Star Wars license even. Branding does help though, and it's something Symphonia lacks (in the west).

Quality insomuch as if the customer asks for that " good Star Wars game for xbox" I'd point to KOTOR before Clone Wars. I won't believe that Bioware's name pushed the game more than the Star Wars license.


jarrod said:
Uh...how was it flamebait? Because I dare compare TOS to KOTOR?! :/

Why compare at all? two differnt RPGs

One premier RPG on Xbox and the other on GC. You know exactly where he was going


Prine said:
Why compare at all? two differnt RPGs

One premier RPG on Xbox and the other on GC. You know exactly where he was going
You mean where I going? Yes, I made a comparison between two RPGs with similar curcumstances... which I guess was flamebait. :/


sorry im talking about P90, not your comparison

ToS is the Cube's KOTOR, except that ToS is good.

PC version or not, its recognised as a Xbox game when comparing to other consoles. Like Halo, SplinterCell etc


Running off of Custom Firmware
KotOR is KotOR. I largely the same game on the PC as it is on the Xbox. Except perhaps for scalable graphics and an extra merchant or two, as I understand it.


Splinter Cell is recognized as cheifly an XBox game in all comparisons? It's on PC, GC, PS2, GBA, N-Gage too...
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