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Toy Commander...


How i loved this game. One of the few DC games that really opened my eyes. I love the level designs and the control was top notch. looked and played great. Even had mutiplayer modes that would have rocked on Sega Net.



I agree on this. It was a very fun game. I loved the scale of this game, it was pretty deep. The missions were fun. I would have liked to see a new version of this game on PS2 Online or Xbox Live.


Hell yeah. This remains one of my favorite Dreamcast games, the atmosphere, scale, environments, vehicles, etc, just made for such a wonderful feeling. Felt like you were a kid again, playing with your toys.
My 3rd Dreamcast game (Soul Calibur, NFL2K). One of my favorites. Definitely felt "next gen" for its time. I was in awe of the detail and the great sense of scale. I also liked the way they incorporated ideas about kids' fantasy play (the rubber lizard in the lego town became Godzilla to Tokyo, some toy jets and tanks becomes a full scale battle). Excellent fun factor, and the game had some challenge. A sequel would be a godsend..


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Oh yeah, I loved Toy Commander back when it was released. I was eating up everything Dreamcast at the time, and TC was one of the best titles to come down the pipe. I should have expected that, though, as it was made by Adeline Software (known as No Cliche during this time period)...the creators of Little Big Adventure! It's a shame they went under...

I really wanted to see the final product of Agartha...

His company's called F4-Toys, and that's all I know.


One of my top ten ever. The levels were simply huge, and the game packed in an absurd amount of non-linear gameplay and level progression. Multiplayer was a blast with four people (we stuck to ground vehicles - made mines so much fun to use).

Underrated and underloved.



Toy Commander was indeed an excellent game. I used to love playing it for hours on end. I never did finish it, but it was definitely a game that deserved to be finished.


dark10x said:
Oh yeah, I loved Toy Commander back when it was released. I was eating up everything Dreamcast at the time, and TC was one of the best titles to come down the pipe. I should have expected that, though, as it was made by Adeline Software (known as No Cliche during this time period)...the creators of Little Big Adventure! It's a shame they went under...

I really wanted to see the final product of Agartha...

Yeah, No Cliche was supposed to restart a new company, I wonder what happend to it??? Man, Toy Commander Xmas Edition was awesome too. I wish Toy Racer wouldve gotten released in the US(ODCM was supposed to release it on the demo cd like they did for xmas TC.)


I worked with some people who were part of NoCliche , when they came back to Delphine Software and ressurected Adeline Software.
We made Motoracer Advance, and we were working on Flashback Advance and a new LBA. To bad Adeline was shut down not long after DSI was.

I don't have any news from them since a year now :/

Reynal indeed is working on Trium Planeta at F4 toys, but since the Agartha case, he doesn't want to show his projects before they're near completion.


Game was a huge surprise for me. I loved it from begining to end, and did my best to pimp it to everyone I knew.

Rawkin' game.



Yeah i remember Toy Racer, i was hoping it got released in the states. Instead of these stupid Sonic collections that been around since the Saturn why wouldn't they have a Dreamcast collection? I mean it seems that alot of epople missed out becuase they were holding out for PS2, it would broaden their horizons on Dreamcast plus give the current gen owner a chance to experience very fun games on the cheap.

If they really wanted to knock our socks off add online play to some of them. I would love to see Chu Chu Rocket, Toy Commander, Bangai-O, Outrigger, Ooga Booga, Red Dog, and VOOT re-released.

Takosuke said:
I worked with some people who were part of NoCliche , when they came back to Delphine Software and ressurected Adeline Software.
We made Motoracer Advance, and we were working on Flashback Advance and a new LBA. To bad Adeline was shut down not long after DSI was.

I don't have any news from them since a year now :/

Reynal indeed is working on Trium Planeta at F4 toys, but since the Agartha case, he doesn't want to show his projects before they're near completion.
Oh man, a new Twinsen would've been so great. :(


(more a nerd than a geek)
DCX said:
Instead of these stupid Sonic collections that been around since the Saturn why wouldn't they have a Dreamcast collection? I mean it seems that alot of epople missed out becuase they were holding out for PS2, it would broaden their horizons on Dreamcast plus give the current gen owner a chance to experience very fun games on the cheap.

Wasn't Sega planning on releasing a series of Dreamcast games on the Xbox? I remember hearing something about that...


Personally, I'd really rather them leave their Dreamcast games on the fucking Dreamcast. :/ To me, that is by far the biggest mistake they have made since going third party. A few were certainly justified and made sense, such as the Sonic Adventure's to the GC, but by and large all the constant porting has done is tarnished not only the Dreamcast's image, but Sega's as well. They should have just had all of their studios go all out and pump out amazing new shit on the current systems, in the same vain as they did with the Dreamcast, only with their games finally being on systems that people aren't afraid to own, they might've actually been successful. But then again, Sega doesn't exactly seem to want to be successful.


Yeah, one of my FAVORITE games on the Dreamcast. I loved it and no game has ever come close to this game except Petit Copter on the Xbox.
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