I'm convinced you've never even seen a Trader Joe's.
Yeah what are you talking about? I eat plenty of sea food from the Gulf, in fact probably 75% of the seafood we get here in Texas is from the Gulf.
Speaking of TJ, has anyone else tried this?
Sweet baby jesus it's amazing.
There's one opening in Miami next year and in Gainesville at the end of this year.
Going to buy some of this magical looking cookie butter for myself as a Christmas present.
It's ok. You're basically buying the same shit you'd get anywhere else, but for slightly higher or lower prices (depends on what you're looking for) and in smaller packages. Sometimes the quality is a little higher or you can get some different ingredients than you'd get at a real megastore like Kroger or Safeway.I've never even seen a Trader Joe's in person. All I've heard is mythical tales from the internet about how glorious it is.
The only thing expensive at trader joes is their meat. Everything else is dirt cheap and their frozen food is fantastic and most of it is quality.
Hey you know what you guys should do since there's a Trader Joe's recall? Buy more things from Trader Joe's.
I must have this.Speaking of TJ, has anyone else tried this?
Sweet baby jesus it's amazing.
Live in Gainesville. Going to buy some of this magical looking cookie butter for myself as a Christmas present.
Edit: fuck it Amazon here I come must try this stuff now.
It's really just a pretentious grocery chain that is too expensive and doesn't taste any better then anything else.
Recall on one variant of peanut butter =!= entire stock of store infected.
omg... i have a jar of that peanut butterI just bought it like 3 weeks ago... i've eaten like 1/4 of it :|
omg... i have a jar of that peanut butterI just bought it like 3 weeks ago... i've eaten like 1/4 of it :|
omg... i have a jar of that peanut butterI just bought it like 3 weeks ago... i've eaten like 1/4 of it :|
It's ok. You're basically buying the same shit you'd get anywhere else, but for slightly higher or lower prices (depends on what you're looking for) and in smaller packages. Sometimes the quality is a little higher or you can get some different ingredients than you'd get at a real megastore like Kroger or Safeway.
It's not as snooty as Whole Foods, but it's kind of the In and Out of the grocery world. The people that really like it and chat it up all the time are the people who have only been there once while on a trip to another state.
I like their coffee, but the other stuff I'm kinda eh on. The only time I ever really look for something "special" is when I'm looking for halal stuff, and they have about the same selection on that than I can find at my nearby HEB, so I end up going to a Middle Eastern/West Asian market anyway.
I also like their Cheerios.
There's one opening in Miami next year and in Gainesville at the end of this year.
omg... i have a jar of that peanut butterI just bought it like 3 weeks ago... i've eaten like 1/4 of it :|
Speaking of TJ, has anyone else tried this?
Sweet baby jesus it's amazing.
The onset of Salmonella is pretty quick after eating contaminated food. At least it was the last two times I got it. Just to be safe I'd toss the rest of the jar but if you haven't gotten sick by now you won't get sick.
The product was sold in 16-ounce plastic jars. All product code dates are included in the recall. People who have purchased the peanut butter may return the product for a full refund.
You have Trader Joe's confused with Whole Foods.
Wooo!Oh my God their beer, too
The place is supposed to be pretty environmentally friendly and its products grown in environments that wouldn't lead to something like a salmonella outbreak.
Salmonella naturally occurs in most produce before some kind of sterilization process. It's actually more likely that a 'natural' grocer would have an outbreak like this since they eschew normal radioactive sterilization processes and their like.
I wish I could get this in the UK. It looks so damn tasty.
I've been shopping almost exclusively at Trader Joe's since the mid-nineties, and anyone who says it's pretentious, is just plain wrong. Have you ever been into a Trader Joe's? Their manager's wear frickin' Hawaiian shirts for crying-out-loud.
I will lament that I miss their "old days" when cold beer and cheese took up more refrigerated shelf space than other product. They carried all sorts of awesome beers, not to mention a plethora of their own private label craft beers. Now you'd be luck to find any cold beer at all.
It really is the best grocery chain in America. I just wish we had them here in Florida.
megamerican said:I actually have the Valencia peanut butter mentioned in the recall. I only ate it once and I did have flu like symptoms for a couple of days. I had attributed to a antibiotic I was on though.
You have Trader Joe's confused with Whole Foods.
Trader Joe's is FAR from overpriced. In fact, it's the only place on earth where one can find gluten-free pasta that doesn't cost an arm and a leg. Most places want $5 for a half pound box of sphagetti - Trader Joe's has a huge-ass bag of gluten free ziti for only two bucks.
It's a real godsend for celiac sufferers.
Whether or not they have good prices for gluten free spaghetti, i don't know. BUT they are very overpriced, (for their normal goods) and super pretentious.
I did get a 12 pack of natural sponges there for a good-ish price...so....
I don't think you understand what pretentious means. Just because a food is considered gourmet or organic, does not make it pretentious. Everybody at the ones I have been too have been super nice and helpful.
Also, not sure where you are shopping that you can get cheaper food for the quality.
eh...........it looks like peanut butter. I think you can get that in the UK......
It really depends on what you're looking for and in what amounts. What I don't see in Trader Joes are the gigantor sizes you could see at a Fiesta, Safeway (Randall's here), HEB, or Kroger. That's ok, though... they also don't have the same shelf space. If you compare on volume, you will pay a little more at TJs, but it's ultimately a wash because you're also not wasting as much. Unless you have a lot of people in your house, you're not going to go through a "I can fit my whole head in it" box of cereal at a pace where you'd really notice anyway.BTW, trader joes is awesome and not very exspensive at all. Expensive compared to what? Aldi?
This is a good thing and it's worth mentioning that they take care of their people. It doesn't seem like much, but I'm honestly fine with paying a little more if I know it's going to the employee rather than going to some jackass several states away.awesome store and awesome company. My step sister works there and her benefits are great and her pay is decent for the work.
I don't think you understand what pretentious means. Just because a food is considered gourmet or organic, does not make it pretentious. Everybody at the ones I have been too have been super nice and helpful.
Also, not sure where you are shopping that you can get cheaper food for the quality.
I wish I could get this in the UK. It looks so damn tasty.
I've been shopping almost exclusively at Trader Joe's since the mid-nineties, and anyone who says it's pretentious, is just plain wrong. Have you ever been into a Trader Joe's? Their manager's wear frickin' Hawaiian shirts for crying-out-loud.
I will lament that I miss their "old days" when cold beer and cheese took up more refrigerated shelf space than other product. They carried all sorts of awesome beers, not to mention a plethora of their own private label craft beers. Now you'd be luck to find any cold beer at all.