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Trading card GAF, anyone into non-sports and/or non TCG gaming related cards?


Looked & i couldn't see a thread dedicated to non-sports cards or ones not related to the usual card games like MTG/pokemon/yugioh ect. Thought it would be fun to see if anyone else collects regular trading cards.

Gave up the Pokemon card bug a long time back as it was an expensive habit and the series kept fragmenting into more and more sets it was impossible to keep up, but i still have the collecting bug for trading cards, mainly nowdays i go for sets where the art pulls me in.

These are the ones i have recently completed or am currently collecting for....

Mars attacks
When i first learnt the existance of this set i was captivated the art is so good, a mix of camp cheesy and gory. I was saddened at first as i found out the original set was very expensive due to it's rarity but years later Topps did a reprint of the original series & i could finally see them for myself.
Still want the mars attacks invasion series but i'm glad i have the original set now.

Toxic highschool
Another weird set, love the art on these some are pretty vile but they are great to look at. Never even knew about these till i randomly came across them on the net, thankfully it seems nobody really cared about them so complete sealed boxes of pacs were pretty cheap on ebay. I enjoyed tearing through an entire box to make a set.

Dinosaurs attack
What jurassic park should have been like, the violence is so over the top it's hillarious, cheesy as hell too. Love the mini story clips on the backs of the cards, as with mars attacks it's amazing that these were targeted at kids. Some of the deaths are brutal.

Wacky packages
Out of all my sets these are my true love, never got to see these growing up as they only released one set in the UK and that was it. They are an American invention which makes it a lot harder to get hold of them, luckily ebay exists but i'd love to be able to walk into a comic shop and buy packs like everyone else. Love parody stuff and these push all my buttons, i'm not rich enough to collect the 70's & 80's sets so i started from the all new series when they restarted back in the 2000's, they keep releasing a new set every year so it's fun to have a set that i can keep collecting for. Got all 11 ans base sets so the chase cards are the next ones on the list. Immature most definitely but they do make me giggle.

Cereal killers
Discovered these while looking for wacky package stuff, they are the most newest set i have found out about and I have started to get hold of some packs. The art is fantastic and just grabbed my attention, the horror parodies of cereal boxes is right up my street.

So GAF, anyone else out there have the trading card bug? I find it a nice diversion from my other hobbies when i get fed up of gaming & other stuff, can just sit back with a stack of binders & enjoy lots of little mini artworks. Hope one day to tackle the big one of getting all of the garbage pail kids series but the 80's ones command a lot of cash now. Makes me wish i had held onto all mine i had back in the day, that set must be on about 20+ series by now but will be fun to start some day when i catch up on all the others.


Love trading cards. I bought out Wal-Mart twice for Star Wars Force Awakens cards after seeing it in theaters. Filled up a binder full already.
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