That's beautiful. I want one, badly.
Knock-Out may just be my favorite character ever, he and Starscream made a great pair when they were together.
That... Would be an interesting dynamic. Previous defections (Dinobot, Black Arachnia, Armada Starscream, Prime Dreadwing) have largely been of the "noble warrior" variety. Knock Out is a sociopathic Vanity Smurf opportunist who didn't bat an eye on experimenting on the remains of his weirdly intimate partner."What?! I'm joining the winning team!"I really hope he does become an autobot.
That... Would be an interesting dynamic. Previous defections (Dinobot, Black Arachnia, Armada Starscream, Prime Dreadwing) have largely been of the "noble warrior" variety. Knock Out is a sociopathic Vanity Smurf opportunist who didn't bat an eye on experimenting on the remains of his weirdly intimate partner.
Ummmm where can I buy the fuck out of this?!
I just completed the third season of Prime, and... Well, that was really nothing like I thought it would be, but really all my expectations going into it were based on the toyline where there were a billion Predacon dragons and everyone and their mother had upgraded to new forms. But in the show, there's just a couple new paint jobs, Prime got an upgrade, and Predaking was the only Predacon. Maybe all that other stuff comes into play in the Predacons Rising movie thing? Or maybe not, it would be pretty cost prohibitive to remodel the entire cast for a CGI show, I would imagine.
I'm really baffled by the existence of the toy Thundertron though. He was kind of unique since he was released under the Prime line, but was listed as being a "Star Seeker" out for revenge on Cybertronians and had a wolf as an alt-mode. I guess I just mentally filled in the blanks that the Star Seekers and Predacons would be adjuncts to the Autobots and Decepticons, but nope. He's just some random comic book character? OK then, whatever.
I wasn't really big on the first season of Prime... It was OK, but I was really not crazy about the "Unicron is Earth" thing, and the design of Unicron was pretty awful. But it really picked up in season 2, which laid a lot of groundwork that it built upon in season 3. In the end, it was a pretty top tier TF show. Knock-Out may just be my favorite character ever, he and Starscream made a great pair when they were together.
Beast Wars came up next on Netflix, and holy shit is it rough looking after a decade and a half...
So I was watching the 1986 movie on Blu ray again and I was wondering does anyone know which Cyclonus made it to Season 3? Like we see Cyclonus and his "armada" which came from Bombshell and Skywarp but after the movie there's only ever one Cyclonus shown?
In my mind I'd prefer it to be Skywarp because it would just make more sense to me (plus I think skywarp is cooler then Bombshell lol) but has there been an established canon for this that just flat out says who it was?
Or is this just like a taboo subject within Transformers communities?
So I was watching the 1986 movie on Blu ray again and I was wondering does anyone know which Cyclonus made it to Season 3? Like we see Cyclonus and his "armada" which came from Bombshell and Skywarp but after the movie there's only ever one Cyclonus shown?
In my mind I'd prefer it to be Skywarp because it would just make more sense to me (plus I think skywarp is cooler then Bombshell lol) but has there been an established canon for this that just flat out says who it was?
Or is this just like a taboo subject within Transformers communities?
I like the idea of Cyclonus being a new character and not just a old character that's been upgraded, that''s how the IDW series has portrayed it? (at least where I'm up to)
It has better proportions than the official one at least.Know what's bad timing?
A third party Metroplex.
How about something that isn't out....say....Trypticon?
It has better proportions than the official one at least.
Since this is a Transformers OT i'll just come out and say it - G1 should only be watched for Nostalgia purposes now. Transformers Prime has eclipsed it in every way.
MMC's Feral Rex will be the Predaking to end all Predakings.
I think the official word is that Bombshell became Cyclonus, Thundercracker became Scourge.
Well if you want to get technical, that supposed Metroplex is the FOC design whereas the official release is more of a G1 update, but I do agree with you.Maybe, but the official version is more than good enough and I always thought that one of the main reason 3rd party products should exist is to bring us what Hasbro and Takara wouldn't, not offer us the same thing.
It's also my favorite of the 3rd party Predakings. MMC has come a very long way since Knight Morpher Commander.Totally true. Feral Rex looks way better than that custom up there.
So I'm currently up to "All Hail Megatron" #1-14 & 16, which would make them 80-94 in the chronological reading order that I've been following from the wiki and I'm wondering is it okay for me to just jump ahead and start reading More Than Meets the Eye or would it be best if I just keep reading the previous issues and just work my way to the newer stuff?
Basically is MTMTE kind of like a "soft" reboot of sorts (but still set in the same universe) where you don't really need to of read the previous back catalogue?
Magnaboss?3rd party Predacon combiners are old hat.
I want to see someone make an Autobot Maximal team that combined into... Idunno, Maximalord.
Nah, I hated that one.Magnaboss?
Early concept designs for the new movie are (apparently?) starting to pop up, and to absolutely no one's surprise they look exactly the same as the old ones.
I really do not like the live action movie designs, I can see why people say they don't know who is who or what's what when some bots are going at one another because it's really hard to tell what parts of them is what. It does in some cases look like a bunch of metal parts jumbled together.
That point was really shown to me when I saw Pacific Rim and the mechs they used were so easy to follow due to being more solid parts without tons of parts interchanged and all over.
I'm now getting info that the Drift picture is fanart, which at least explains why it looks exactly like the old designs.
Unproduced G2/GI Joe crossover toy.
I swear I saw concept art of other figures, but I maaaaay be misremembering. I'll see what I can't dig up.
Yeah, I thought there was at least two, maybe three, but all I can find is the one...There were other attempts at a G.I. Joe/Transformers crossovers, I remember seeing a Plane prototype.
Although the original opening was lively and upbeat, the song didn't truly fit Prime's aesthetic. So I completely remade the opening into something wonderful. Enjoy!
Unlike the first opening song, TRANSFORMERZ was somewhat redeemable as an opening song for Transformers Prime.
However, I still feel the Japanese Transformers Prime openings do not do the series justice. So I made a custom opening to Season Two to match my Season One opening. Enjoy!
So wait, did you just splice new songs into it, or did you cut the intros from whole cloth? Nice work if it's the latter, though I have a long standing preference for openings that are animated specially for the opening alone, but thinking about it I think that's actually kind of a rarity for Transformers series, isn't it? G1, Animated, and Prime weighed against... everything else. Hell, even Animated was mostly clips from the show too...
What... what the fucking fuck... That's just bizarre.
And now for something completely unrelated, here's something I didn't notice for 20 years...
In the G1 cartoon, all the Decepticon symbols had a third, middle point on the crest. It seems like the animators were working off the version of the logo that featured the shiny metallic embossed look.
The "side" of the embossment between the two points could easily be mistaken for a third point if they weren't looking closely/had a bad image to work off of.
The decepiticon symbol has gone over a few slight alterations over time. Most drastically when the first Bayformers movie came out, changing the 'eyes' and making it more into a face as opposed to simply an emblem.
The Autobot logo has had much more subtle changes in its 20+ years.
The "low eyes" variant seems to have been used exclusively for packaging and promotional material, this is the one you see with the embossed metallic color gradient look.
The "high eyes" variant with the pointy bottom of the central crest was used on decals that went on the figures themselves.
I honestly never noticed that.
Anybody read the novels Exodus and Exiles? Third one is expected in January.