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Trapped workers at a Mexican bakery make hundreds of bread loaves for Harvey victims


Homeland Security Fail
Must be those bad hombres I keep hearing about.


As Hurricane Harvey approached Texas last week, the bakers at El Bolillo Bakery in Houston worked overtime, knowing people would be eager to stock up on food.

As the storm pummeled Houston with record rainfall Saturday, most of El Bolillo’s employees were able to leave work. Alvarado said he barely made it home before roads became impassable.

Four bakers, however, found themselves trapped inside the Wayside store, just south of Interstate 45 and north of Brays Bayou. Hemmed in by rising floodwaters, the bakers had no choice but to hunker down among El Bolillo’s ovens and its now-empty display cases.

For two days, the trapped bakers churned out hundreds of pieces of bread, filling the shelves again with bolillos (a Mexican sandwich bread), kolaches and their signature pan dulce. They watched as, at the peak of flooding, water approached the doors of the building; fortunately, it never seeped in, and the store never lost electricity, Alvarado said later.

At night, the bakers slept on the ground, on makeshift beds and a large sack of flour.

El Bolillo’s owner attempted to rescue the workers Sunday but was turned around by police, Alvarado said. On Monday morning, the owner was finally able to reach the bakery — and was shocked by what he saw.

Alvarado said they didn’t count how many loaves they baked but said the bakery’s display cases can hold about 3,000 pieces of bread. There could have been about 1,000 more pieces of bread on the counters and cooling racks, he added. He estimated that the bakers used 4,400 pounds of flour.

“They just couldn’t handle the stress and they needed to do something, so they just made bread,” Alvarado said. “They were just thinking of everybody else, and they just started making bread for the community.”

The bread from their two-day marathon baking session was delivered to various shelters, including the George R. Brown Convention Center, and a police station nearby, Alvarado said. The four bakers who camped out at work have since been reunited with their families, he added. The bakery’s owner has set up a GoFundMe to raise money to help employees whose homes and cars were damaged because of Harvey.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Mexican Trap Bread-Makers is the name of my rap group


Awesome story.

Not looking forward to the negative shit, like, they're illegal or something stupid, to takeaway from what these guys did.
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