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Tribes MP > Half Life 2 and Halo 2


And here's why (stolen from another forum)

Nothing sweeter than a well timed run and the rush as 3 LDs chase after you with grenades exploding around you and chaingun tracers whizzing by you and 25% health left.

Nothing sweeter than shutting down the other teams best capper by flying into his route and chaingun raping him with the speed pack.

Nothing sweeter than setting up a nice turret garden around the flag and a well timed disc to push flag capper of his line to the flag and slow him down enough to get chewed up by the turrets. Or planting a mine by flag on the way out to enemy base and right as you grab their flag you their flag you see +1 for blowing the shazbot out of a would be capper.

Nothing sweeter than a well timed grapple to change directions and lose the defenders chasing you since they are all out of juice.

Nothing sillier than arming yourself with a buckler and energy boosting right into the heavy that has been owning you with mortars during you last 3 flag attempts. Knock his ass out the way and make room for your teammate to cap.

Nothing cooler than arming yourself with a speed pack and constantly keeping enemy sensor down making it much easier for you teams flag runs.

Nothing funnier than using the Tank for flag D on Junk shooting into the pipe as they grab and seeing how many times cappers get the shazbot blown out of them before they get mad and send in the Assault Pod and a few players after you

Nothing more challenging than trying to return your flag against 2 good duelers on Isle secondary base with flag carrier surrounded by turrets.

Nothing more satisfying (or frustrating if on the recieving end) when coordinated HO runs on Fort have the enemy base at 60% downtime and easy pickings for the cappers.

Tribes Gameplay Movie


TRIBES was the best mutiplayer game ever, soo much to do, so much strategy.

I do hope the new game kicks ass, as soon as i get a new pc i'm getting the demo.

Great Vid


Tribes: Vengeance is the greatest one of them all. It expands and refines the gameplay that made the original so addicting. This game is seriously worrying me as I have 3 midterms next week and all I want to do is play some more. It only gets better and better. Honestly, what can compare to skiing down the side of a mountain at 200mph then launching off a hill soaring into the air then grappling onto a giant crane in a nice long arc. That type of player movement is absolutely unmatched in any other game.


The grappler is a hoot, innit? I've never been good at that kinda thing in FPS games, but the second assassination mission in the story mode really hips you to the possibilities. I was doing the whole jet-powered Tarzan thing and sniping guys in the head, it rules.



Wait till the last levels, you have to go down these huge elevator shafts. And you can push bodies and boxes down it and watch it fall until you lose sight of it.

Buggy Loop

Wow, that video was a blast, havent played the beta nor the demo since my PC specs are lacking but damnit, im such a tribes whore, i NEED tribes vengeance /cry


In my arrogance I started the game on Hard level and I'm stuck at some point :( I've been hooked on MP ever since, at first it was just to improve my skills to go back to that part but I just haven't had the inclination. I'll get around to it soon though because the single player is actually pretty darn sweet.

For multiplayer, if anyone wants to do some training for playing around with the Light/Medium I'd be happy to spend some time and showing the ropes.


rastex said:
In my arrogance I started the game on Hard level and I'm stuck at some point :( I've been hooked on MP ever since, at first it was just to improve my skills to go back to that part but I just haven't had the inclination. I'll get around to it soon though because the single player is actually pretty darn sweet.

For multiplayer, if anyone wants to do some training for playing around with the Light/Medium I'd be happy to spend some time and showing the ropes.

What point?


Julia: Discovery

I finished killing the turrets with the Heavy guy and now I have to take out the gens. I'm at this point where there's a multi-level room, when you first enter it there's two chaingun guys with explosive barrels near them. Then a medium with a spinfusor comes out from the other end of the hall. Then below the hall there's a bunch of other guys, and 2 turrets. I know she has a repair pack, but it recharges pretty slowly and if you wait too long more guys come from the ends of the hall :/
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