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Tron 2.0: Killer App - IGN review


works for Gamestop (lol)

9.0 Presentation
Despite its long load times, the visual presentation is superb.
8.0 Graphics
Neon lighting, spare design, and a great sense of surrealism create a superb and unique visual appeal unlike any other Xbox game.
8.0 Sound
The pro voice-actors make up for some rather sketchy dialog, and the music is almost all excellent.
7.0 Gameplay
A real mix of action-blasting, stealth, exploration and, strangely, some platforming. Technically, it's spotty, but the customization and length make up for it -- if you buy into it.
8.0 Lasting Appeal
If you like this game, you're set. It's only $39.99, with four-player split-screen, SysLink, and Xbox Live for 16-players.
(out of 10 / not an average)

" In all, Xbox gamers should take a look at Tron 2.0: Killer App. It's definitely one of the most unique first-person shooters on the system whether you're judging it by gameplay, graphics or sound. The gameplay is a solid mix of shoot-'em-up action, stealth, exploration, with a surprising amount of platforming thrown in. That last part might bother many FPS fans, but for me it was an interesting and sometimes rewarding part of the designer's subtle exploration efforts.

There are numerous faults with Tron 2.0, not the least of which is its timing. How many people are actually going to buy this one week before Halo 2 arrives? It will be interesting to see. Still, for those dying fo something unusual, or who just want a differently paced game, Buena Vista's FPS is only $39.99. "


Not surprised at all. A one year old port of a mediocre PC game with some shoddy add-ons doesn't exactly spur great praise.


Littleberu said:
It was an excellent original game. The story rocked, the gameplay was new and innovative, and it had some cool platformer part, done right.

The dialogue sucked, the plot was generic and everything about it besides the graphics, screemed "been there, done that".

Musashi Wins!

It doesn't sound as simple as a straight port, but you probably didn't read the review.

I can't see buying this now, but I admit it sounds unusual enough to try at some point. Kind of surprised it's online features are so robust.


Wario64 said:
There are numerous faults with Tron 2.0, not the least of which is its timing. How many people are actually going to buy this one week before Halo 2 arrives? It will be interesting to see.

How do they call the publisher's choice of release date a fault with the game? o_O


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Littleberu said:
It was an excellent original game. The story rocked, the gameplay was new and innovative, and it had some cool platformer part, done right.

Your accusing the other guy of having bad taste while praising Tron... Now thats funny.

That game sucked much ass.
shuri said:
Tron 2.0 was more of an adventure fps than Metroid could ever dream to be

lol. tron was a good game, but nothing special. it had a pretty ropey story and a really cheesy script.
it had some great set-pieces (the disk format) but some very silly platform elements.

could have been better, but good enough.

MP is a different animal my friend.


Templar Wizard said:
lol. tron was a good game, but nothing special. it had a pretty ropey story and a really cheesy script.
it had some great set-pieces (the disk format) but some very silly platform elements.

could have been better, but good enough.

MP is a different animal my friend.

A different animal, but not necessarily a better one, as you seem to be implying. Sorry to break this to you, but the story in Metroid Prime's no great shakes, either, and Tron 2.0 definitely went about presenting its story in a more appealing manner. Reading emails filled in some interesting points on the backstory, but the entire plot wasn't shoehorned into them, and I didn't have to go around scanning every damn thing I saw in order to read them, either. The remark about 'silly' platform elements makes me wonder if you've even played Tron 2.0--aside from climbing stacks to get to some archive bins, about the only real platforming I recall offhand was the level where you were
overclocking the old server
, and even with the (generous) time limit, it wasn't particularly difficult. I'd also say the game was easily as atmospheric as MP was--both games did an excellent job of immersing you in their respective worlds. However, Tron 2.0 trumped MP neatly when it came to character customization--I had the latitude to level up Jet as I saw fit and upgrade the subroutines I used most, to fit my play style. Where was that in MP? Finally, as far as the actual gameplay goes--and this is nothing but pure personal preference on my part, admittedly--I enjoyed combat in Tron 2.0 far more than I did in MP. Ricocheting the disc off of walls and floors and putting english on my throws to take out multiple opponents was far more exciting than the 'lock-on-and-fire' combat system in MP.

There's nothing wrong with preferring MP--it's a fine game in its own right. I just wouldn't call it head-and-shoulders above Tron 2.0. :)

interesting reply, i did not mean that MP and tron2.0 are comparable, they are in fact 2 completely different games. thats what i ment by 'different animal'.

also when i was refering to the story i wasnt comparing it to MP's.

comparsion with something like Breakdown: yes
comparsion with Metroid Prime: no
Littleberu said:
Mediocre PC game? You have bad taste in gaming.

No he doesn't. I love Monolith as much as anyone, but the game is just plain repetitive. It's the same unispiring gameplay thats broken up way too frequently by the even less inspiring bosses.
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