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Trump AZ rally: dishonest media, gov't shutdown if no wall, hints at Arpaio pardon


Don Lemon has always been a fucking idiot and he willingly participated in and refereed shouting matches with Trump's surrogates, so him getting one little rant off after covering another Trump rally doesn't undo the situation he is complicit in creating.

As far as the crazy dude and his website linked above, that is by far the shittiest website I have ever seen, to the point where it's actually kind of impressive.


Man, really wish I could see CNN talk about that guy. His website is insane.

It was like a minute, they did about as much "investigation" as you would expect from 24 hour news. They showed clips of him at multiple Trump rallies seated directly behind Trump, a very short clip sound clip of him sounding like an insane person and mentioned he said controversial things like Democrats were slave owners. Didn't even show his website.


No one has stood up to have this man impeached today? McConnell predictably continues to talk about their shared agenda.
No one has stood up to have this man impeached today?

It's too early for impeachment talk with a GOP controlled Congress and Senate. All they care about are their own seats, and they aren't scared of losing them yet. Over 40% of the GOP senators don't even have to race re-election until 2022!

McConnell predictably continues to talk about their shared agenda.

He left the wall out, though. The war between Trump and the turtle will be raging again soon.

Sein Kampf!
Even the Germans are going at him lol


I'm going to run with the assumption that journalistic standards have fallen off a cliff in the US, same with the integrity of the presidency, because that's the only way I can rationalize posts that are heaping praise on Don Lemon's account of last night's rally. "I'm just going to speak from the heart here: what we witnessed was a total eclipse of the facts." Really? I'm going to be shaking my head all day long after that ridiculous line. Sensationalistic "news" network pandering to its viewers after airing a campaign rally held by an attention-craving president. The two couldn't be better suited for one another. It would be nice if people stopped feeding into it, but sign of the times and all that.

You're right in that Don Lemon shouldn't be some standard we should praise in journalism. I've never been a fan of his precisely because how he acted in the era before Trump. And CNN treating politics as a show (well, all of cable news treating it as a show) is part of what got us in this mess in the first place.

But, you later also tried to convince us that CNN shouldn't be covering a rally by the President of the United States, so no points for you on that front. He's still, sadly, the president, and is using his bully pulpit in ways some of us dreamed Obama would use it during his presidency.

Trump truly believes that even bad publicity is good publicity, so he's not going to shut up anytime soon and we already saw that trying to ignore him (during the primaries) isn't going to work.

The only option is really constructing an alternative to him, not just opposing him.
You're right in that Don Lemon shouldn't be some standard we should praise in journalism. I've never been a fan of his precisely because how he acted in the era before Trump. And CNN treating politics as a show (well, all of cable news treating it as a show) is part of what got us in this mess in the first place.

But, you later also tried to convince us that CNN shouldn't be covering a rally by the President of the United States, so no points for you on that front. He's still, sadly, the president, and is using his bully pulpit in ways some of us dreamed Obama would use it during his presidency.

Trump truly believes that even bad publicity is good publicity, so he's not going to shut up anytime soon and we already saw that trying to ignore him (during the primaries) isn't going to work.

The only option is really constructing an alternative to him, not just opposing him.

Not every Obama speech was covered live on CNN. And not all campaign rallies by all candidates have been either.

Campaign events don't even belong this far out. Only fascists and dictators keep having rallies after they won. This is not normal, at all.

Honestly, coverage of these propaganda rallies should be cut. At least MSNBC fact checked it live. If you are even going to show them, that's how to do it.


He's unfit. I don't know what else needs to be said.

Even if I thought he had a just agenda I wouldn't trust him with it.


My black coworker is currently yelling at the Hispanic cafeteria worker who just told him "antifa is the black version of the KKK".

Oh and now I'm hearing "Democrats are racist - they supported slavery in one form and now cause it to black today. Donald trump only wants to stop illegal Mexicans...I don't see how that would affect my legal family".
My black coworker is currently yelling at the Hispanic cafeteria worker who just told him "antifa is the black version of the KKK".

Oh and now I'm hearing "Democrats are racist - they supported slavery in one form and now cause it to black today. Donald trump only wants to stop illegal Mexicans...I don't see how that would affect my legal family".



My black coworker is currently yelling at the Hispanic cafeteria worker who just told him "antifa is the black version of the KKK".

Oh and now I'm hearing "Democrats are racist - they supported slavery in one form and now cause it to black today. Donald trump only wants to stop illegal Mexicans...I don't see how that would affect my legal family".

Ah, fun work atmosphere.


My black coworker is currently yelling at the Hispanic cafeteria worker who just told him "antifa is the black version of the KKK".

Oh and now I'm hearing "Democrats are racist - they supported slavery in one form and now cause it to black today. Donald trump only wants to stop illegal Mexicans...I don't see how that would affect my legal family".

Work at Google?
My black coworker is currently yelling at the Hispanic cafeteria worker who just told him "antifa is the black version of the KKK".

Oh and now I'm hearing "Democrats are racist - they supported slavery in one form and now cause it to black today. Donald trump only wants to stop illegal Mexicans...I don't see how that would affect my legal family".

But this is facts, the now republican party before the name change is the party under Lincoln who fought against slavery and the Democrats were the evil cunts...

Democrats fought against almost every civil rights movement, some say they founded the KKK...
Today's Democrats looks like they the good guys, but they have been some evil fuckers through out history,,
But this is facts, the now republican party before the name change is the party under Lincoln who fought against slavery and the Democrats were the evil cunts...

Democrats fought against almost every civil rights movement, some say they founded the KKK...
Today's Democrats looks like they the good guys, but they have been some evil fuckers through out history,,

You're selling a bit short here, political realignment happened. Dems and Republicans swapped bases when it came to civil rights. The name of the party stayed the same who they appealed to changed.
You're selling a bit short here, political realignment happened. Dems and Republicans swapped bases when it came to civil rights. The name of the party stayed the same who they appealed to changed.

yep, pretty much nobody will deny that the Democrats were originally the party of racism. That really has no relevance to the current political landscape which is decades removed from that situation


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
"Even the Germans"?
Care to elaborate?
We are very, very reluctant to call someone a Nazi, because most media agencies and people associate it with a lot more than just right wing neo Nazi idiots. If the German media outright labels you like that, you went very, very far.


But this is facts, the now republican party before the name change is the party under Lincoln who fought against slavery and the Democrats were the evil cunts...

Democrats fought against almost every civil rights movement, some say they founded the KKK...
Today's Democrats looks like they the good guys, but they have been some evil fuckers through out history,,
"Democrat" and "Republican" are just words, two words whose philosophical and political merits have changed significantly over time. They politically realigned themselves around the Dixiecrat era, as a country the United States folded many of these former Confederate voices back into the government following the deadliest war (and still is) in our nations history. Post-war Germany took a much, much different approach when it came to restructuring and unifying the former Nazi government. The United States fought a war involving racist issues but failed to fight the issue to its moral end goal like Germany did. Instead we just addressed it to various degrees on a state by state basis and allowed the extremely conservative Democrats (of the time) to weasel discrimination and eventually segregation into their reunified states.


I'm going to run with the assumption that journalistic standards have fallen off a cliff in the US, same with the integrity of the presidency, because that's the only way I can rationalize posts that are heaping praise on Don Lemon's account of last night's rally. "I'm just going to speak from the heart here: what we witnessed was a total eclipse of the facts." Really? I'm going to be shaking my head all day long after that ridiculous line. Sensationalistic "news" network pandering to its viewers after airing a campaign rally held by an attention-craving president. The two couldn't be better suited for one another. It would be nice if people stopped feeding into it, but sign of the times and all that.

I agree that Don Lemon wasn't professional and neither was James Clapper. However, I am glad someone on TV finally grew some balls to call it like it is. He's unfit! With a speech this downright scary and disturbing, this is not the time to be politically correct. If we were to agree with Donald Trump's rhetoric, we would eliminate the free press and anybody who disagrees with him.

You have a President going on TV attacking the very fabric of what it is to be American. He's insulting people he doesn't agree with calling them "Little George" and weak. This is a slippery slope that America doesn't want to go down on. Going on TV and going line by line about how the media mistreated you is far from Presidential. It's called being a cry baby. It's something a 1 year old would do.

He trying to paint the media as the enemy and acting deranged saying that they are shutting off all the cameras. As much as he has tried to normalize it, this is not normal behavior. It's beyond psychotic. His comment that Fox & Friends and Sean Hannity are the best and the most honest shows is downright scary. I don't care how biased the media is. We need a free press and we need people who disagree with us, otherwise this wouldn't be America.

Before you are a news reporter, before you are Republican or Democrat, you are an American. When someone comes on TV and attacks what it is to be an America, the gloves come off. People didn't die for this country for no reason.

Joe T.

You're right in that Don Lemon shouldn't be some standard we should praise in journalism. I've never been a fan of his precisely because how he acted in the era before Trump. And CNN treating politics as a show (well, all of cable news treating it as a show) is part of what got us in this mess in the first place.

But, you later also tried to convince us that CNN shouldn't be covering a rally by the President of the United States, so no points for you on that front. He's still, sadly, the president, and is using his bully pulpit in ways some of us dreamed Obama would use it during his presidency.

Trump truly believes that even bad publicity is good publicity, so he's not going to shut up anytime soon and we already saw that trying to ignore him (during the primaries) isn't going to work.

The only option is really constructing an alternative to him, not just opposing him.

It's not that CNN shouldn't be covering his rallies - they should in at least some form, at the very least highlight parts of it - it's that they shouldn't be doing it in this infotainment manner with one panel of guests after another and another ad nauseam. CNN has panelists on at almost all hours of the day except the 3am hour here, which is when the west coast or international feed comes on for an hour or two and it's purely a newscast. Those panel discussions should be the exception, not the norm, coming on for an hour or two a day at most. There is a wealth of news out there and CNN doesn't cover any of it anymore unless it's tied to Trump or happens to be a terrorist attack in the US or Europe. I remember a time when CNN actually did cover both national and international news 24/7. It's just politics now. Actually, not even that because there's also a lot of political news that goes unreported, it's just discussions about politics now. If they're going to spend all day talking, why not spend some of that time talking about health, business, tech or any number of other issues that affect Americans on a daily basis?

I'm getting into rant territory, but I don't want my news sources telling me how I should feel nor do I need to know how they feel. I want my news sources being relatively impartial, same way you'd want an impartial judge in a courtroom, and this isn't asking for the impossible because I was watching the mainstream media conduct itself in this manner when I was younger. Youtube has some US news footage from the 80's, when the Fairness Doctrine was still in place, and much of it was a completely different animal from what we have now.

I wholeheartedly agree with your view on Trump and how to combat him. When it comes to American politics I've thought the status quo was completely unappealing for a good, long while now. Campaign financing, immigration, health care, education, wealth inequality, infrastructure, the police department, race relations and even senate/congress term limits are all issues that need drastic changes/improvements, so hopefully the situation in the senate and congress will change for the better over the coming years because regardless of who's POTUS it's going to be hard to get anything meaningful passed without a little bipartisanship.
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