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Trump Ban Leaves 12-Year-Old Girl Facing Return to War-Torn Yemen

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I know it takes time but people are suffering in the meantime and if the courts rule they could inevitably freeze the order until getting to SCOTUS.
A judge isn't going to freeze the order on their own until they have a hearing. And anyways that's why the best course of action would be for the Administration to grant an exception in her case.


A judge isn't going to freeze the order on their own until they have a hearing. And anyways that's why the best course of action would be for the Administration to grant an exception in her case.

I know we need a hearing, I'm saying things can be sped up. I'm not saying tomorrow but all we have gotten so far is a vague February. The U.S. court system is notoriously slow in these kind of situations and I'm not even convinced the courts will do the right thing. I sure wouldn't put faith in this administration making an exception when you have Herr Bannon pulling the strings behind the scenes.
I know we need a hearing, I'm saying things can be sped up. I'm not saying tomorrow but all we have gotten so far is a vague February. The U.S. court system is notoriously slow in these kind of situations and I'm not even convinced the courts will do the right thing. I sure wouldn't put faith in this administration making an exception when you have Herr Bannon pulling the strings behind the scenes.
Oh I'm not convinced they will either. And they probably won't give her an exception either. Really the best thing would be if someone else offered them pro-bono shelter and aid. Someone's got to be rich enough and with enough government connections to get it done somewhere else if not in the USA.


If I was responsible for something like this, I literally don't think that I could live with myself.
It's very simple: for Trump and his supporters she and her parents are lesser humans for not being European-descendants and thus they have no regrets fucking over their lives for their own benefit.

She is a "threat" because she's one more brown person in the US.
Trumplets won't care about this. She is brown and muslim. So, to them an other. They could not care less.

Fuck. :(


Fuck Trump.

I couldn't believe what i was hearing when Spicer said a 5 year old would pose a threat to national security.
A 5-year-old from a poor country of brown people that has never committed a terrorist act on American soil is a threat... whereas the U.S. is overrun by armed white supremacists poisoned by a polluted media empire run by the President's chief advisor to hate over half of the population of the United States is NOT considered a threat.

Makes sense to me. Shame this 12-year-old girl can't crawl back inside her mother's womb so Trump's authoritarian regime could pretend to give a damn about her.


Trumplets won't care about this. She is brown and muslim. So, to them an other. They could not care less.


The hypocrisy and the lack of humanity shown this week are chilling.

I can't ever unsee the photo that the rightmost drawing is based on and feel like crying every time I see it in my mind.


"People should use the legal means that exist to come in to this country"

*administration bars people with green cards and visas from entering*

"Well...not THOSE people..."


The Birthday Skeleton
I read about this case a day or two ago and it's outrageous. It's also usually the mark of fascist regimes to go after children of the ethnicity or race they deem inferior by their insanity.


Obama was doing the same thing but when Trump does it liberals point fingers.

Is what conservatives are saying. Would love to have a good response.


Obama was doing the same thing but when Trump does it liberals point fingers.

Is what conservatives are saying. Would love to have a good response.

Except it wasn't the same thing at all, and it wasn't a mass of countries with a few conveniently left out because there's money in them.

Anyone saying that is grossly misinformed and just buying into whatever the Trump administration spews forth.


The hypocrisy and the lack of humanity shown this week are chilling.

I can't ever unsee the photo that the rightmost drawing is based on and feel like crying every time I see it in my mind.
Ditto. My son is the same age and I genuinely can't look at the photo or the drawing because it makes me too upset. This is the shit that your current administration are actively encouraging. I mean what the actual fuck. How the fuck did this happen. This whole situation is a heartbreaking mess. How you could go from Obama to Trump is frankly mind boggling.


People justifying this ban based on warfare entirely miss the point, or they hope other people will.


I'm still in shock at just how flat out evil this administration is. The utter disregard and contempt for people is difficult for me to take in.

I hope she gets to California. What a horrific thing to do to someone, particularly at her age.


All of these lawsuits that will be paid for by the tax payers.

Thanks Trump, already saving this country so much money with your wall, and lawsuits, and looking into your claims of voter fraud.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Ali, 39, is a U.S. citizen. But his daughter had been living with grandparents in Yemen while American authorities processed her visa application. After years of waiting, the U.S. embassy issued the precious piece of paper last Wednesday, and father and daughter were excitedly preparing Friday for the flight that would unite Eman with her mother and two sisters.

Fucking terrible :(


The Autumn Wind
I'm still in shock at just how flat out evil this administration is. The utter disregard and contempt for people is difficult for me to take in.

I hope she gets to California. What a horrific thing to do to someone, particularly at her age.
They're pissing off those annoying liberals, though, so it's totally cool.


So can you guys please all go on the streets finally like the people in South Korea? What can somebody else from outside do except to educate everyone what a piece of shit that animal is?


Trumplets won't care about this. She is brown and muslim. So, to them an other. They could not care less.


Democrats need to rally behind this and shove this in face of Republicans. They aren't ashamed to lie and all the thrashing they did to Obama should be enough justification to do this.


I'm thinking 2 years at this rate.

The sad thing is we cant afford to wait 2 years for that. How many more groups of people can Trump bully around before its to late. Tyrannical leadership needs to end. Its sad to see when we make progress a man and his pen can start writing in regression.
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