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Trump:I pardoned Arpaio during hurricane because I thought TV ratings would be higher

I wonder if this is true. I know watching the coverage live the hosts kept saying he was trying to bury it under the hurricane coverage. In one of the very, very few times I will ever say this I think Trump has a point - I think it's stupid, and the act wrong on so many levels; but if he wanted a lot of coverage he got his wish.

L Thammy

Maybe I'm wrong, but I interpreted his statement as a defense. People said he was trying to hide his pardon of Arpaio, so he says no, actually I was trying to make it as visible as I could. It's still totally missing the point, like when he said he wasn't going to pardon him on a particular day because he didn't want controversy. Not to mention that either way, using a hurricane that is still an ongoing emergency to manipulate his own optics is horrible.


Junior Member
Republicans have some sort of brain disease, unfortunately.

Recently got into an argument with a Trump voter. Essentially they believe that anything negative about Trump comes from "fake news", and don't really care about the investigations because Clinton would have been mired in investigations as well.

In short, they're a lost cause.
Such a disgusting, vile excuse for a human being.

One of the states in your country - a Republican foothold, nonetheless - is in the middle of catastrophe brought by a hurricane, and your only responses are good look wishes and pathetic 'Great energy!' tweets pandering to your base. And then we get this wonderful nugget of him trying to frame himself as trying to get the attention of the media in the middle of a disaster while continuing with attacks towards NAFTA. The whole thing makes the current US administration as its own brand of a banana republic, megalomaniac fool at its helm inclusive.

When the upper echelons of the United States government recover their sanity and their backbone, I sincerely hope your country takes a deep look at the current state of your institutions.

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
Is anyone really surprised though? This guy has a pathological lack of empathy, perspective, compassion or humanity. A soulless husk.
Maybe I'm wrong, but I interpreted his statement as a defense. People said he was trying to hide his pardon of Arpaio, so he says no, actually I was trying to make it as visible as I could. It's still totally missing the point, like when he said he wasn't going to pardon him on a particular day because he didn't want controversy. Not to mention that either way, using a hurricane that is still an ongoing emergency to manipulate his own optics is horrible.
Trump is an expert at avoiding controversy.

Sorry, I mean at not confronting controversy


Maybe I'm wrong, but I interpreted his statement as a defense. People said he was trying to hide his pardon of Arpaio, so he says no, actually I was trying to make it as visible as I could. It's still totally missing the point, like when he said he wasn't going to pardon him on a particular day because he didn't want controversy. Not to mention that either way, using a hurricane that is still an ongoing emergency to manipulate his own optics is horrible.

yep. this is what he always does when faced with questions he doesn't like. he cannot handle criticism at all like a child, so he tries to prove them wrong with whatever he can think of at that moment. then he just makes it worse because it's always nonsense.


Does he realize he's not on a tv show anymore? Serious question.
Why does he care about ratings? What does that matter?


Fucking yikes.

He comes across as a coward by using the hurricane as a smokescreen, and he managed to make himself look like a complete douchebag by trying to compete ratings with a fucking historical hurricane + flooding.

This man's Stand must have the power to make every situation he's in even worse.
The world needs Carlin now more than ever.


The worst thing about this in the moment is that there's someone out there getting off on this simply because it's making a liberal angry.
Trump is lying about why he did it, yeah.

but the lie isn't to hide his plan to bury the Arpaio news in the middle of a Hurricane. It's so that he doesn't have to acknowledge that Kelly stopped him from announcing the pardon during the rally, like he initially wanted.

This way, he gets to pretend he had full control of the situation and he wasn't manipulated into not announcing the pardon how he wanted, where he wanted. Now he gets to say that he did it exactly the way he wanted, and attempts to spin it as a reflection of his business/entertainment acumen.

What Trump wanted: To announce the pardon at the Rally
What Trump was made to do: Announce the pardon on Friday with the rest of the news dump from that day.
What Trump did to spin it: Lied and said it was an attempt at maximizing ratings.

That's just my read on it.
Recently got into an argument with a Trump voter. Essentially they believe that anything negative about Trump comes from "fake news", and don't really care about the investigations because Clinton would have been mired in investigations as well.

In short, they're a lost cause.

Trump stans are basically a bunch of passive aggressive losers who feel emboldened by him, and think he tells it "like it is and doesn't care who gets offended" and they wish they were like that.

Too bad they're too brainwashed to see he only says whatever makes him look the bes, and doesn't care who or what he impacts to make himself look like roses.
As I stated in the thread regarding the pardon, just what the fuck?

He truly is a monster!

At a time when a hurricane occurs, which as of now claimed 5 lives and Trump couldn't keep ratings off his mind.

This can't get more embarrassing! And sadly things will get worse.


Trumps needs to [ you can't say this in public!] with a five foot [bannable sentences] until he's nothing but goo
As I stated in the thread regarding the pardon, just what the fuck?

He truly is a monster!

At a time when a hurricane occurs, which as of now claimed 5 lives and Trump couldn't keep ratings off his mind.

This can't get more embarrassing! And sadly things will get worse.

Just remember: WE ARE STILL IN YEAR ONE!!!!

When Trump is up for reelection, we can point at his numbers at a measure of how far the disease has spread.

I shudder to think how fast it'll spread.

Permanently A

Junior Member
I know people often exaggerate this kind of this, but this is the first time I actually feel sick in my stomach from a Trump article. Like legitimately I feel worse in health having read this.


Toss this shitbrain and every last one if his friends into the eye of the fucking storm. Let Poseidon figure out what to do with em.


"how dare you suggest i chose to pardon an unrepentant criminal who continually endangered lives during a severe hurricane to draw attention away from the pardon

actually, i pardoned him during the hurricane to draw MORE attention towards myself [and away from the natural disaster]"

those who know strategy are etc.
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