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Trump: Lester Holt Shouldn't Fact Check Monday's Debate

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I genuinely don't think it matters either way.

People waiting for Trump to sink because of the debates are going to be disappointed. The kind of people who have decided to vote Trump aren't going to change their minds at this point, especially not over something as trivial as facts


No Scrubs
He's smartly setting the expectations that it's all rigged.

Now, it says a lot when you're saying "fact checking a debate I'm in means you're going to be biased against me", but it doesn't matter.

Beyond Trump working himself into a shoot and using some overtly bigoted language, he may get objectively destroyed / annihilated / eviscerated / ethered / bodied / murdered / skinned alive, but if that's not how the public perceived the debate then it doesn't matter.

I'm concerned he walks over the professionalism bar set for him that's buried in the dirt and emerges from the first debate unscathed.

Trump's already been working himself into a shoot lately, he's said some racist-ass shit in the last week. He's not going to have a teleprompter to save him here.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
It simply isn't possible. If he fact checks one, and misses another, it will look like he is taking sides -- and all the attention will be on him. See Candy Crowley as an example.

Dude...no. Calling either candidate out on a blatant lie is not taking sides.


It simply isn't possible. If he fact checks one, and misses another, it will look like he is taking sides -- and all the attention will be on him. See Candy Crowley as an example.

If they don't try then the debate doesn't really matter. Viewers are going to turn to the channel that reinforces their confirmation bias for analysis.
Okay, how about this. No factchecking by the moderator, but every time they lie, the candidates get a pie to the face. Half-lies and little inaccuracies get an electric shock.

You cool with that Trumpie?


The candidates want to be President -- they should be able to call out each other's lies themselves.

That's not possible, any lie that someone would try to call out would just be countered with "you're lying". Unless there's a 3rd party to interject and set the record straight it'll just devolve into a "no u".


I just...


aka IMurRIVAL69
It's obvious at this point. Trump is going to get destroyed by Hillary.

I'm really curious to see how his insult heavy style of debate and getting loose with the facts will go over in a 1 on 1 environment.

I don't think Hillary will destroy him but it's gonna be must see TV.


That's not possible, any lie that someone would try to call out would just be countered with "you're lying". Unless there's a 3rd party to interject and set the record straight it'll just devolve into a "no u".

You mean those liberal moderators?
I can see where he's coming from. Since the Republicans no longer operate with any regard for facts or the truth, and instead just play off of people's feelings about issues, they don't really appreciate fact checkers getting in the way.


Oh boo hoo. He should fact check, specially when you do nothing but lie. He shouldn't just carry on with the debate when it just flat out lies.

I hope you get picked apart you orange cheeto.


I wish I had some posters' confidence that Hillary is going to "destroy" Trump in the first debate. I'm still afraid he'll just yell over her and galvanize his base by seeming "powerful" or some nonsense. Intelligence has yet to be rewarded in this election.


"If anyone points out I'm wrong, they're biased!".

Doesn't take a crystal ball to see where this is going.

If Trump does well: I did great! I beat Hillary!

If Trump does poorly: The moderator was biased! The debate was rigged! Unfair! Sad!


3 more sleeps until we get to see cheeto hitler get recked on live TV. Please for the love of Obama may Hilary slay him like no other. America needs this!


Crowley interjected during an October 2012 debate between President Obama and Mitt Romney after Romney said it took Obama two weeks to refer to the Benghazi, Libya, attacks as terrorism.

“She turned out to be wrong,”he said.

I like that he can't help lying even when he's talking about moderators fact-checking.


Matt Lauer already screwed the pooch. They're going to be tougher if only not to lose face.

Regardless of what Trump says, the media doesn't want to be seen as anymore of a whipping boy than it already is. Trump proved it with his birtherism announcement recently when the media wholesale dropped the rest of the event midway through it. Trump saying racist bs isn't an issue for them, his surrogates lying isn't an issue, but them looking foolish covering him though. Nope. Can't have that.
It's obvious at this point. Trump is going to get destroyed by Hillary.

He's really not. You know how this is going to go down.

Trump will lie and say dumb shit but at the end of the day he'll manage to look just barely capable enough to some people. The next day on the news, everyone will be saying "oh he did very well considering it was his first one-on-one debate."

Meanwhile they will tear into Hillary for not responding 100% perfectly to the much harder questions that will be presented to her.

I'm almost certain at this point that Monday will be seen as a Trump win by the media simply because of the extremely low expectations everyone has for him.
God that get the transcript moment is one of the best debate moments in televised debate history. People were so mad at Crowley.
Debates have turned into just pivoting off a specific question and giving a generalized answer while the candidates just talk past each other. The least that can happen is make sure the generalized answer is factually correct.

I just can't wait to see how many "Excuse me" lines we get out of Trump.
If a candidate says something that is factually incorrect, they should be called out on it during the debate so people watching the debate won't think that what the candidate said is true.

Exactly, imagine if something like that Carly Fiorina gaffe that led to a shooting was said on-stage unchallenged. Fact-checking is incredibly important and forces both candidates to make sure they know what they're talking about.


It's so childish to be a presidential candidate screaming "it's not fair!" Guess what, the criticism the job receives and the way people view you sometimes isn't fair. That's fucking life.

Lincoln Chafee basically ended his political run by telling Anderson Cooper that he wasn't "being fair" and yet all Trump has been screaming lately is how the voting system isn't fair, media coverage isn't fair, moderation isn't fair, fact checking isn't fair.

Someone who talks like that is not fit to lead shit.


Dude...no. Calling either candidate out on a blatant lie is not taking sides.

It is when you use the word 'blantant' -- what is a lie to you could be more nuanced to others. Hillary's classification definition of her emails, Trump's University thing, etc. The moderator should stay out -- but if CNN wants to run fact checks along the bottom of the screen w/o interrupting the debate, I'd support that.


Rodent Whores

It's not that simple. Depending on which side you're more inclined to agree with, there's enough evidence to support either side, and it all comes down to whether you take Romney's point in it's spirit, or if we're going to argue about the semantics. Even Crowley agrees on that.

I think actually, you know, because right after that, I did turn to Romney and said you were totally correct but they spent two weeks telling us that this was about a tape and that there was this riot outside of the Benghazi consulate, which there wasn't. So he was right in the main, I just think that he picked the wrong word.



He's really not. You know how this is going to go down.

Trump will lie and say dumb shit but at the end of the day he'll manage to look just barely capable enough to some people. The next day on the news, everyone will be saying "oh he did very well considering it was his first one-on-one debate."

Meanwhile they will tear into Hillary for not responding 100% perfectly to the much harder questions that will be presented to her.

I'm almost certain at this point that Monday will be seen as a Trump win by the media simply because of the extremely low expectations everyone has for him.

This. You've articulated my fears far better than I did.

I might go see a movie Monday night just because watching the debate in real time might be too stressful.


I genuinely don't think it matters either way.

People waiting for Trump to sink because of the debates are going to be disappointed. The kind of people who have decided to vote Trump aren't going to change their minds at this point, especially not over something as trivial as facts
I can't speak to percentages, but Trump holds a tenuous grip on a not insignificant portion of undecideds and the more principled members of Republican base. If he comes across as a crass, completely ignorant doofus, it could convince some of them to abstain from voting for him. He may not go down in flames, but it could tip a few battleground states more blue.
I wish I had some posters' confidence that Hillary is going to "destroy" Trump in the first debate. I'm still afraid he'll just yell over her and galvanize his base by seeming "powerful" or some nonsense. Intelligence has yet to be rewarded in this election.

Can't do stuff like that during the general debates, they'll cut your mic if you start acting like a child.


I like that he can't help lying even when he's talking about moderators fact-checking.

Lying is all he does, all day every day. Make up a version of reality that makes you look good, and then repeat it four times, til your base believes it. And if you have no answer to a question, then just ramble about whatever until they stop asking.

Now he's going to be in an environment where that method doesn't work.

Spider from Mars

tap that thorax
Hillary is a #2 seed going up against Trump's #15 seed. She is expected to stomp and if she doesn't, that's the narrative. Trump's performance doesn't matter because his voters don't care about things like factual information and honest dialogue.


He's right. The debate is between two presidential candidates. The moderator's job is to moderate, not debate. That's how it's always been. The whole fact checking, interview style nonsense is something that started this year in the primaries. I remember Fox News playing clips and asking candidates to defend themselves. umm, hes not debating Fox News. You have your own shows to do this.

Same goes for Jorge Ramos asking Hillary to promise free citizenship to all. WTF is that. You are supposed to pose a topic to BOTH candidates and let them duke it out. Your only job is to make sure they dont go over their time. That's it.

We have fact checks on the morning papers for a reason.

Sorry, but most people who will watch the debate are not going follow up with the news on whether what they said or not was true. They will take whatever is said at these debates at face value. There needs to be accountability at the debates or it's just a joint campaign rally.

Funky Papa

You and me both. Hillary's going to stomp the fool into dust, but Biden would style on him. I'd pay pay-per-view prices to get the latter debate.

The way he destroyed Paul Ryan belongs to history books. He made him look like an incompetent tool, and that's a man with actual political experience. Not only he snatched his soul on live TV, but he did so without looking like a bully and keeping a smile on his face during most of the debate.

I feel like Hillary may come out too stern, which could play straight into Trump's hands if he gets the beating he'll probably get. Biden, though, nobody would acuse crazy uncle Joe of being a bully, even if we all know he would scalp Trump's toupee just for shit and giggles. It would be such an spectacle.
I genuinely don't think it matters either way.

People waiting for Trump to sink because of the debates are going to be disappointed. The kind of people who have decided to vote Trump aren't going to change their minds at this point, especially not over something as trivial as facts

I don't get why some keep thinking this. It is never about that and I don't think anyone really believes that anyone is going to convince Trump supporters to vote for Hillary.
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