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Trump: Lester Holt Shouldn't Fact Check Monday's Debate

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I disagree. Trump failed hardcore even in that fluff Lauer interview. Hillary is not a GOP cardboard stand in like Jeb, Marco or Cruz. She is going to be the most debated person ever to run for office (with over 40 debates in her resume). We saw hints of her tenacity against Bernie resulting in those bernie finger wags and she never fully unloaded on him because she needed his coalition.

She is not trapped with Trump on that stage. Trump is trapped with her.

Yes! I need this shit because I'm a nervous wreck thinking about the debate.


Don't be. I feel pretty confident that we will see a pretty clear Clinton victory on monday night.

Don't jinx it. Trump's "victory" is to do better than not drooling on himself and enough people and media will praise him for standing his ground, no matter how poorly he does.


I disagree. Trump failed hardcore even in that fluff Lauer interview. Hillary is not a GOP cardboard stand in like Jeb, Marco or Cruz. She is going to be the most debated person ever to run for office (with over 40 debates in her resume). We saw hints of her tenacity against Bernie resulting in those bernie finger wags and she never fully unloaded on him because she needed his coalition.

She is not trapped with Trump on that stage. Trump is trapped with her.

Let's put a gifted game on it! Hehe. I just don't see them actually debating as trump can't debate.
Don't be. I feel pretty confident that we will see a pretty clear Clinton victory on monday night.
This "win" talk seems a bit irrelevant to me as people will walk away from that with their biases confirmed. I mean, the people voting for Trump right now thought Obama was too agressive with Romney, which showed a lack of character.

I don't doubt if Clinton is assertive, she'll be seen as losing her temper (because assertive women are often seen as aggressive for some reason) while if she remains calm and composed, she'll be seen as cold, distant and probably ill. If she insists on facts and numbers, she'll be boring. If she outlines policy, she'll be a liar, while when she doesn't she'll be vague.


This election...


Flashless at the Golden Globes
She is not trapped with Trump on that stage. Trump is trapped with her.

lol Yep. I said this before. She is going to eat him alive. Expect Trump to sweat and scream. He will lose the election come Monday night.

I dont expect him to show up for the second debate.


This "win" talk seems a bit irrelevant to me as people will walk away from that with their biases confirmed. I mean, the people voting for Trump right now thought Obama was too agressive with Romney, which showed a lack of character.

I don't doubt if Clinton is assertive, she'll be seen as losing her temper (because assertive women are often seen as aggressive for some reason) while if she remains calm and composed, she'll be seen as cold, distant and probably ill. If she insists on facts and numbers, she'll be boring. If she outlines policy, she'll be a liar, while when she doesn't she'll be vague.

The people already dedicated to Trump don't matter. They're already in.

The debates are useful for swaying the undecideds, by and large. The swing voters. Any damage done to his image when in direct comparison to his opponent on live television will go a long way in making that happen.

But moderators will absolutely have to hold him accountable during it, or it won't work. So there's that...


No matter what happens trump and his supporters will say he won the debate

Eh that's fine, the point is to sway the undecided and moderate conservatives still being wishy washy on the fence by raking Trump over the coals. Like I'm fully expecting the first few questions to be "What about Jim Crow, Trump" "What about your Birtherism" and a vast number of other awful minority questions along with the substantial amount of crap uncovered from his foundation.

This shit isn't gonna be Fox softballs anymore since Lauer absolutely shit the bed so hard his own media outlet threw him under the bus.


"Reality and truth are heavily biased. Look where those brought us! We need more gut feeling in politics, and I have the biggest and best gut feeling there is. It's huge!"


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
He's not afraid of facts, he just doesn't believe in relying on them for a sales pitch. They get in the way.
Selling the fantasy is what he does, and it's what he intends to keep on doing.
Notice that if anyone else had been fact checked as much as he gets, they'd be sunk.
He's not selling reality to these people. They don't want it.
They aren't telling it to his face in front of the audience he's lying to. And so you end up with this cult of personality where Trump is deemed more trustworthy and honest and has more integrity than hillary. Any dissenting argument that occurs in a different time/place/format is viewed through the same lens as a corporate PR department spin job, where a story is first weaved and then rolled out to evoke a favorable response.

There needs to be a live smackdown of bullshit in order for a lot of these people to actually realize someone is being dishonest rather than presenting a legitimate argument and speaking from a legitimate frame of reference.

Now, the 25% of people who approved of Bush and support the tea party? They're assholes. But most of the 30% of "swing voters" in this country that bring trump to competitive polling levels need to literally be pampered and babied into understanding this. It has to be directly in front of their face.


This is going to be one crazy debate, Trump is so ridiculous. I hope anytime they fact check they also reinforce it for him with like a clip, it'll be hilarious.
Im already making a drinking game for this. Gonna take a Shot anytime America, Experience, Media, and Liar is said. Hopefully i survive the night to be able to vote.


I'm glad Grandpa porked a Chinese Muslim
A commentator on the local news here basically said that all Trump has to do is not fall off the stage, and he will have won in the eyes of his supporters. That sounds just about right.


Don't jinx it. Trump's "victory" is to do better than not drooling on himself and enough people and media will praise him for standing his ground, no matter how poorly he does.


If he manages to put on pants they will praise him for how serious and presidential he was.

"Didn't even talk about his Dick, he did well"


A commentator on the local news here basically said that all Trump has to do is not fall off the stage, and he will have won in the eyes of his supporters. That sounds just about right.

Going after a candidate's supporters is a lost cause, you can't persuade them. What you can get is the undecided voters and voters who reluctantly vote trump along with motivating your own supporters.


Ideally I'd like for Trump to get hit with a birther question and then for the tweets he's made of it recently to roll onscreen for people to see. It's not enough for him to be told that he's done super recently, but rather people should SEE it.
I hope the moderators outside of the spineless Fox News guy who is still a huge supporter of Ailes hold Trump to task for his bullshit. I hope the immediate reaction the audience has AND even his peers to how shitty a job Lauer did will give the moderators the bravado to take Trump to town for lies, nonanswers and vagaries.

Sadly I fear they will instead focus on Clinton and let Trump slide like Lauer.
Liars and bullshitters are allergic to fact-checking. And drumpf is a world-class lying bullshitter. The poor orange thing will melt and seep between the chairs if you correct him.


It's amusing that Trump targets Holt when the NBC newsman is a registered republican.

While Chris Wallace of Fox News who always grills the Clintons is a registered democrat.

Though for Chris Wallace I don't know if he's doing that prodding based on his own beliefs or based on his salary (Murdoch / Ailes).

For Holt, it's obvious because he raps.



A commentator on the local news here basically said that all Trump has to do is not fall off the stage, and he will have won in the eyes of his supporters. That sounds just about right.
As long as he doesn't say anything good about brown or black people they will continue to back him.


I'm not familiar enough with debates, will their be fact checking at this one? I know Matt Lauer did not recently.


This is going to be the most watched thing on TV. This is some Super Bowl level shit.

I'm going to need drinks.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Can you imagine this idiot on the world stage? It would be like watching a pissy little kid taking his ball, or in his case a Trump jet, and going home.

C'mon Clinton, debating this fool down will be easy.
That's exactly what it would be like and Trump has admitted it on camera.

"They won't even give him stairs, proper stairs to get out of the airplane. You see that? They have pictures of other leaders who are … coming down with a beautiful red carpet. And Obama is coming down a metal staircase," Trumps said Monday at the beginning of a roundtable with labor leaders in Brook Park, Ohio.

"I’ve got to tell you, if that were me, I would say, ‘You know what, folks, I respect you a lot but close the doors, let's get out of here," he added. "it’s a sign of such disrespect."



Over/under on how likely it is Trump leaves the debate midway through due to his thin skin/inability to admit being wrong?


Over/under on how likely it is Trump leaves the debate midway through due to his thin skin/inability to admit being wrong?
Very likely. He will just say it's a sham and he doesn't have to put up with lying Hillary and her "facts."

Hillary isn't going to gain anything from this. No one cares about the facts.


I stayed awake for an hour last night in bed literally terrified to the point of migraine and sweat that Donald Trump could be our next President.

I guess that's how some doofs view Hillary winning thanks to 30 years of bullshit, but still.


It's astounding that he's essentially saying "I should be allowed to lie to all these people" and his stupid followers are like "yeah yeah! clap clap"

No matter what happens trump and his supporters will say he won the debate

"He won that debate!"
"Why do you say that?"
"Well, he said he did"


Haven't you been posting in threads about hating both candidates and voting for Gary Johnson? Why go out of your way to suggest Clinton is the clueless one? lmao

Saying you are voting 3rd party is the new hotness for still supporting Trump but being able to say "why you attacking me I am voting 3rd party?"

Are there any 3rd party voters that consistently defend Hillary over Trump while saying they are 3rd party? If so they must be really low key.

Mr. X

Saying you are voting 3rd party is the new hotness for still supporting Trump but being able to say "why you attacking me I am voting 3rd party?"

Are there any 3rd party voters that consistently defend Hillary over Trump while saying they are 3rd party? If so they must be really low key.

It's code for "fuck equal rights, keep white privilege"


Are the third party candidates even respectable? They've both sounded pretty bad from what little I've read about them.

People using third party as some sort of protest vote might want to keep in mind that voting for these people still shows up as an account that their policies/positions/values are closest to what you want. If they are crazy and/or not suited to be president, you are still supporting that as being acceptable.


The commander and chief forum proved Trump is going to bomb even the easiest of soft balls. He found a way. Not remotely worried about the debate. No audience to cheer on his obscene bullshit, hardly any prep vs. The most talented and heavily prepared presidential debater of the modern era.

Media will play the "he did better than expected" card, but it wont matter. Difference is too stark.


The commander and chief forum proved Trump is going to bomb even the easiest of soft balls. He found a way. Not remotely worried about the debate. No audience to cheer on his obscene bullshit, hardly any prep vs. The most talented and heavily prepared presidential debater of the modern era.

Media will play the "he did better than expected" card, but it wont matter. Difference is too stark.
Yeah, I have a feeling the first debate will sink his campaign. There is no way he can come out of that without any major bruises.
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