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Trump often donated to officials who were weighing decisions affecting his businesses

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Donald Trump Often Made Donations to State Attorneys General Reviewing His Business - The Wall Street Journal

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has throughout his career given campaign contributions to state attorneys general while they weighed decisions affecting his business, a review of his political donations shows.

The issue recently surfaced during a controversy over his 2013 campaign contribution to Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi, who was reviewing a fraud case against Trump University.

Records show Mr. Trump, his family and associates donated in particular to attorneys general in New York, from Robert Abrams in the 1980s through incumbent Eric Schneiderman. The money was given often when Mr. Trump’s companies had decisions pending in these offices. Attorneys general are law-enforcement officials with significant oversight of business practices in their states.

Mr. Trump in his presidential bid has portrayed himself as an outsider independent from special interests and what he called the “rigged” political system. The candidate and his aides have said making legal contributions doesn’t put him in the same category as what they describe as career politicians, such as Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, his opponent for the White House.

“He has always said he’s given to politicians his entire career and he thinks the system is broken,” said Alan Garten, general counsel at the Trump Organization, an umbrella company for Mr. Trump’s businesses. “Thinking that the system is broken doesn’t preclude him from giving to politicians when they are knocking on his door 365 days of the year.”
Mr. Trump has been open about his motives. “As a businessman and a very substantial donor to very important people, when you give, they do whatever the hell you want them to do,” he told The Wall Street Journal in July 2015 in discussing donations to Mrs. Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign. “As a businessman, I need that.”

In total, Mr. Trump has given about $140,000 to a dozen people who either were state attorneys general or running for the post from 2001 to 2014, according to donation records. Some of the recipients returned the contributions. Totals before 2001 weren’t available.

Cynthia Darrison, a former fundraiser for ex-New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer, a Democrat, said Mr. Trump persuaded friends and colleagues to donate, too. “He did a fundraiser for Eliot,” she said. “He had all his vendors come in and write checks—no different than anybody who I asked to raise $250,000.”

A few weeks ago, Mr. Trump acknowledged paying a $2,500 fine to the Internal Revenue Service for a donation to a committee supporting the 2014 re-election of Florida’s Ms. Bondi. The $25,000 donation was paid by his charitable foundation, an improper use of nonprofit funds under IRS rules. Mr. Garten said it was a clerical error.

Ms. Bondi’s office at the time was reviewing a lawsuit by the New York attorney general alleging that Trump University, a real-estate academy, was a scam. A spokesman for Ms. Bondi has said she declined to pursue any action against Trump University because it had yielded only one consumer complaint in Florida and the business was already being investigated by New York.

Points out several more specific examples in the link


Yeah, that's called being SMART.


In all seriousness, he has readily admitted to donating to politicians for sway and favours. There is a famous story of how he donated to The Governator and when there was some land dispute, Trump called Arnold and Arnie ignored him, Trump whined about it.


I am more mad at the officials taking bribes than I am about Trump. We all know the type of person that Trump is, and him doing this is just par for the course. Any official that gets caught accepting bribes needs to be fired.. Would be tough to prove, but it is inexcusable nonetheless.

The donations coming from the Trump Foundation? Anybody surprised about this? I'm not.
I was going to ask why the people doing the investigations and taking donations aren't being persecuted as well but they're judges and attorneys, who would persecute them?


He has bragged numerous times about making donations to political figures for favors, it's part of his narrative that money owns the system and he has first hand experience. It's in the article too, the Trump campaign is perfectly fine with this info so it doesn't seem especially notable to me.
To those saying this is not news; there's a huge difference between him just spewing out stuff like "I need to be friends with everybody," joking about how he owns politicians and the actual donation to so-and-so when they were deliberating cases against Trump.
He has bragged numerous times about making donations to political figures for favors, it's part of his narrative that money owns the system and he has first hand experience. It's in the article too, the Trump campaign is perfectly fine with this info so it doesn't seem especially notable to me.

except these are two different situations:

A. donating to political figure, asking for some type of favor

B. under investigation from political figure, donates to said political figure, asks for some type of favor (presumably in relation to the investigation)


"As a businessman and a very substantial donor to very important people, when you give, they do whatever the hell you want them to do.”

Funny, I keep hearing that this isn't the case.


Pretty sure he said during the primaries he donated to all the politicians on the stage and they listen to him when he calls.


Hasn't he openly admitted to this already? I don't think this isn't anything we didn't already know.

I could have sworn in one of the primary debates he said something to effect of "I know these politicians are bought and paid for because I've done it".
Hasn't he openly admitted to this already? I don't think this isn't anything we didn't already know.

I could have sworn in one of the primary debates he said something to effect of "I know these politicians are bought and paid for because I've done it".
Yeah, he's def brought it up. It's how he explained that old Hillary photo
I absolutely need a list of the illegal and criminal shit Trump has done to compare to Hilary so I can just repost it anytime someone has the gall to say that Hillary should be locked up over some fucking emails and Donald Trump is more trust worthy... EVEN THOUGH his ENTIRE RAP SHEET is is him doing even worse illegal things which should disqualify him for president.... Like this is getting so ridiculous..


Most businesses pull this shit. Its insane there isnt any laws against this. This directly influences them. #1 reason i hate career politicians.




He's just a fresh face, you know? Not a corrupt politician. I like how he's an outsider, not someone who plays ball. Someone beyond the petty corruption that plagues our landscape.


To those saying this is not news; there's a huge difference between him just spewing out stuff like "I need to be friends with everybody," joking about how he owns politicians and the actual donation to so-and-so when they were deliberating cases against Trump.

I think Trump has been open about how he has donated to "so-and-so" when he needs something done, and the article goes into this. It was never presented as a joke. It's part of his pitch. He's the fox persuading us to let him guard the hen house.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
It won't make any difference at all to his base, since those are qualities they already ignore or embrace.

The crazy thing to me about his graft and corruption and accounting fraud, is how CLUMSY it is. Unsophisticated, no tracks covered, just trying to get away with as much shit as he possibly can.

The hilarious thing is that most of his bribes so far, are to make other scandals go away. Just dirt on top of dirt.

The idea that Trump is a mastermind is utterly backwards - he's an oaf, but lives in a system where his greed and ineptitude are rewarded because of the sheer brass neck of it. He's going to take a few people down with him though. I wouldn't stand anywhere near him.

Glass Joe

Most businesses pull this shit. Its insane there isnt any laws against this. This directly influences them. #1 reason i hate career politicians.

That feeds pretty well into his "outsider" image -- "politicians are crooked" talk. As a businessman, why wouldn't he grease the wheels when possible to get what he wants?
To those saying this is not news; there's a huge difference between him just spewing out stuff like "I need to be friends with everybody," joking about how he owns politicians and the actual donation to so-and-so when they were deliberating cases against Trump.

Yeah well it's not quite the October surprise. At this point you're insane if you're still undecided.
Does this really matter? It's not going to sway anyone in his voter base.

People always say this every time a new story about Trump is posted, but it completely misses the point. No, something like this won't flip his most diehard supporters, the ones wearing their "MAGA" caps daily, but that's not what this election is about.

Where this matters is in that decreasing sliver of undecideds, very soft Trump-leaning voters, or people unsure about a considered third-party vote.

Sure, there's about 35% of voters who would support Trump no matter what, but that's not enough to win. That's not who will decide this election.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Yeah well it's not quite the October surprise. At this point you're insane if you're still undecided.

Or trying to balance your racism against your 401k and the value of the dollar. "I mean I hate the foreigners and the muslins with an incendiary passion but I don't want to have to retire five years later because I elected a human dumpster fire."


He's an outsider though, so it doesn't matter even if he's just as gulity of doing the same sleazy things as insiders do.
To those saying this is not news; there's a huge difference between him just spewing out stuff like "I need to be friends with everybody," joking about how he owns politicians and the actual donation to so-and-so when they were deliberating cases against Trump.

except these are two different situations:

A. donating to political figure, asking for some type of favor

B. under investigation from political figure, donates to said political figure, asks for some type of favor (presumably in relation to the investigation)

I don't see how this is news. He's admitted it countless times. No he doesn't name names, but that's because if he loses he'll need to donate again.

The names don't matter, nor do the circumstances. He already admitted to political bribes to gain favors. One should assume this includes favors for anything and everything.
I don't see how this is news. He's admitted it countless times. No he doesn't name names, but that's because if he loses he'll need to donate again.

The names don't matter, nor do the circumstances. He already admitted to political bribes to gain favors. One should assume this includes favors for anything and everything.

he admitted that he paid people off who were investigating him? that's news to me
This a crime?

It could be, yes. Bribing an official who is investigating you some way to stop investigating you is a crime. Of course, in situations like this, it's so gray it'd be hard to really pin it down unless one party admits to it or the action is caught red-handed. But still, it'd shady as fuck and pretty obvious to most observers what's going on, especially when it's happened several times.


I'm sure he's also "donated" a lot to peoples bank account who he couldn't just normally donate to because they weren't in politics.


This probably won't be a big problem for him, but it might ruin the careers of the attorney generals who took his money while investigating.
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