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Trump Staffer Responsible For Finding Positive News Stories Resigns



President Donald Trump’s administration parted ways with yet another staffer this week.

Politico reported Thursday that Andy Hemming resigned from his position as the White House communications team’s director of rapid response on Monday.

The 31-year-old former Republican National Committee staffer, who was profiled by Politico’s Annie Karni this month, was responsible for finding positive mainstream media news stories about the Trump administration and recirculating those reports to key reporters and talking heads. Hemming’s goal was to ultimately create more mainstream coverage about positive moments for the Trump administration on the very networks the president routinely bashes and refers to as “fake news,” according to Karni’s piece.

Every presidential administration has staffers dedicated to monitoring the press and pushing out stories related to favorable moments. But Trump’s relationship with the press and responses to news coverage is unprecedented. For instance, Vice News reported this month that the president receives a folder filled with positive news about himself twice a day ― a report previous presidents apparently did not receive.

Hemming’s role in the administration was a bizarre one, considering his boss regularly picks public feuds with journalists and mainstream news outlets he was required to target with positive stories.

Just this week, Trump spent a considerable amount of time trashing the media during his campaign-style rally in Phoenix, Arizona, a rant that resulted in the crowd chanting “CNN sucks.”

Hemming has not publicly commented on his exit, but a White House source told CNN that the decision to part ways was mutual.
That headline is just hilarious, and bonkers. There was a person who was hired specifically to gather positive news stories about Trump and he had to quit .
I wonder if towards the end the poor bastard was getting desperate and scrounging facebook posts and twitter instead of news.

"It's almost 3PM and I dont have anything. FUCK!"


Only positive of the Trump adminstration is the one they lie to you with. Easy as pie.

-Trump won the GE by a landslide.
-Trump had the biggest inauguration crowd.
-Trump created the most jobs ever; he also single handedly revived the coal industry.
-Trump has the best foriegn policy..
-Tr... okay I quit.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
"I will pursue the life-long dream of curing cancer.
It will be easier than finding positive news about Donald."


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
I'd just give him the same stories over and over again and rotate them in and out to keep fresh for the cheeto fuhrer.
Kelly pushes another one out. Probably told him "stop citing Breitbart or you can leave" and he had no choice since they were one of two places that gave positive news on trump.


From the referenced Politico article, dude was paid 89k a year.
Media bashing has become one of the organizing principles of Donald Trump’s presidency. But behind the scenes, the Trump machine is eagerly promoting the nuggets of positive press it receives from the very outlets the president seeks to discredit.

The White House director of rapid response, Andy Hemming, 31, spends his days immersed in cable television, Twitter, print and online media to suss out positive stories about Trump, which he blasts back out to his list of more than 1,000 influencers — mainly reporters, but also television talking heads — who together craft the overall story of Trump’s presidency.
Hemming, who is paid $89,000 a year, is a career Republican campaign operative who until he entered Trump’s orbit had worked for establishment GOP figures like Meg Whitman, during her failed run for governor in California; Mitt Romney, during his unsuccessful 2012 bid for president; and Greg Abbott, during his successful run for Texas governor. Last year, he worked for former Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s campaign before going to the Republican National Committee and being embedded in Trump Tower for the final 100 days of the general election.
all you have to do is link him to fox news and print it out. are there even really any positive news out there? lol

EDIT: 89K/year? The fuck. let me get some bots and generate positive headlines to print out.


Andy? I know it's bad but it's over now. In a year you'll look back and it will all be a bad dream. Think of your family!
That headline is just hilarious, and bonkers. There was a person who was hired specifically to gather positive news stories about Trump and he had to quit .

According to reports some of the stuff presented to Trump was literally just positive tweets. It's Trump, so the source likely didn't matter at all. It was never about actual news, just stuff to stroke his ego.
That headline is just hilarious, and bonkers. There was a person who was hired specifically to gather positive news stories about Trump and he had to quit .

And that job he quit paid $89k. To watch tv and twitter. And it still wasn't worth it.

That's when you know shit's bad.


Looking for meaning in GAF
He was probably berated nonstop about how he wasn't doing enough to make Trump happy, and constantly pushed to be more fucking positive.

No amount of money is worth that.
He was probably berated nonstop about how he wasn't doing enough to make Trump happy, and constantly pushed to be more fucking positive.

No amount of money is worth that.

probably had to meet a quota of positive news per day and got stressed out.


time to take my meds
For 90k a year ill find trump some positive articles to read.

All i gotta do is ctrl-all at /the/donald
President Donald Trump's administration parted ways with yet another staffer this week.

Politico reported Thursday that Andy Hemming resigned from his position as the White House communications team's director of rapid response on Monday.

The 31-year-old former Republican National Committee staffer, who was profiled by Politico's Annie Karni this month, was responsible for finding positive mainstream media news stories about the Trump administration and recirculating those reports to key reporters and talking heads. Hemming's goal was to ultimately create more mainstream coverage about positive moments for the Trump administration on the very networks the president routinely bashes and refers to as ”fake news," according to Karni's piece.

Every presidential administration has staffers dedicated to monitoring the press and pushing out stories related to favorable moments. But Trump's relationship with the press and responses to news coverage is unprecedented. For instance, Vice News reported this month that the president receives a folder filled with positive news about himself twice a day ― a report previous presidents apparently did not receive.

Hemming's role in the administration was a bizarre one, considering his boss regularly picks public feuds with journalists and mainstream news outlets he was required to target with positive stories.

Just this week, Trump spent a considerable amount of time trashing the media during his campaign-style rally in Phoenix, Arizona, a rant that resulted in the crowd chanting ”CNN sucks."

Hemming has not publicly commented on his exit, but a White House source told CNN that the decision to part ways was mutual.

The departure is the latest in a summer filled with staff shake-ups. In July, press secretary Sean Spicer resigned just before communications director Anthony Scaramucci was hired. Then Reince Priebus left his position as White House chief of staff, days before Scaramucci was shown to the door. Last week, Steve Bannon stepped down as White House chief strategist.

Meanwhile, several Trump administration advisers have parted ways with the president over his controversial response to a violent white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, this month.



yes, that talented of a member
Honestly, I don't feel like this is an incredibly difficult position to replace. Trump administration will be fine.


listen to the mad man
$90k at ~60-70 hours a week is basically an entry level white collar, college qualified job ($25-30 an hour). It has limited opportunity of internal advancement, it's a miserable and numbing job, and you work for terrible awful people. I don't know what his educational background is but my guess would be he could be making double as either a crisis consultant or for a mega-corp PR team in-house, or for a major PR firm... or be making the same amount and working half the hours in a medium business. I know the top line number $90k seems big because it's higher than what most people make, but it's not really that high in perspective.


Its going to be tough for Fox until they find a replacement.

They may have to go back to just parroting the garbage Rush spouts in the morning.
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