Round and round and round it goes, a fearful fright these ghosts, your foes, their etherial state a source of great woes, this titled quest will keep you on your toes.
I'm so disappointed that I can't figure the daily. It's WCW/nWo Revenge related for fucks sake.
The daily has changed, but that was, Billy Kidman's finisher.Seven Year Itch
No idea what today's daily is.
Today's Daily:
Evolution Studios
does anyone have an extra Gears of War:J code i could use?
Sweet level 10. I refreshed page/relogged in and nothing is different though.
You sure? I thought this didn't show up in the bottom left of the page until you reach level 10?Nothing changes.
You sure? I thought this didn't show up in the bottom left of the page until you reach level 10?
None of the offers would work now anyway. They never update the site when they run out of codes for the perk. Now that you can enter that area it means you can complete Challenges so you can level up faster.Thanks I see it now. Some nice preorder offers but nothing for me right now.
None of the offers would work now anyway. They never update the site when they run out of codes for the perk. Now that you can enter that area it means you can complete Challenges so you can level up faster.
In the past they've made a higher level (20, 30) a requirement to redeem better perks. For example, the $50 off the Wii U pre-order was for people level 40+.What other stuff can you get if you level up?
You sure? I thought this didn't show up in the bottom left of the page until you reach level 10?
Are they ever going to resend the $20 off codes? I was hoping to preorder Tomb Raider before it releases next week.
They reactivated all the codes.
How often do they switch up perks?
It used to be every month they'd at least add something then it started slipping.Whenever they want. I don't think there has ever been any sort of planned schedule. Would've been cool if they did it every month or whatever (I could've used a Simcity one lol)
Ugh, seriously? Because I was sent 2 codes and neither of them work. =(
On iOS you can just watch some ads to get free coins. I don't know if it's the same for Android.Yumby Smash is fucking terrible. I have 1800 coins but level 28 is killing me. Only beat that level once but I was a couple boxes away from getting a complete. Ugh.
On iOS you can just watch some ads to get free coins. I don't know if it's the same for Android.
on android it's 25 coins per ad. Given how many interstitial ads there are in the game, you might as well do that instead of playing the actual game.
I don't seem to be getting any coins for any of the infinite and constant ads.
go to the store and tap the 'free stuff' pane. mute the sound, watch the ad and collect the coins. mind-numbing but can get to 2000 coins fairly quickly.
Thank you good sir. I was at 1800 coins from playing and couldn't play another second. I did as you said and within 30 seconds I had over 250 coins (downloaded some Marvel game).
I get 25 points per Ad, do I get tons more if I download the game from the ad?
Ugh, I tried every single combination of luigi's mansion with apostrophes, the number 2 and everything.
I thought it was this! But then I included the hyphen.Daily:
banjo kazooie
It's weird that they sometimes include hyphens (like with the SM64 one last week) but then don't other times. I usually just try both ways if it hasn't been posted here already.I thought it was this! But then I included the hyphen.
Yours worked, mine didn't.
Submitted Monday, accepted Tuesday.Anyone got their Yumby Smash accepted?
Anyone got their Yumby Smash accepted?