It looks like I was able to squeeze in here at number 400; thanks to all the Canadian GAFers who posted about this website and made me aware of the free game potential! I actually had a lot of fun trying to gain access to the website and ascend to level 18 before the perk deadline, and I'm looking forward to any further promotions the site has! I think whoever is behind the site came up with a great way to engage gamers through both the process and the rewards (now they just need to learn the difference between "it's" and "its").
You can definitely put me in the "Tetris challenge was hard" camp. I didn't have any challenges completed as of the 6th, so I figured Tetris would be my best bet—having (somehow) never played the game before. I ended up seeing faint outlines of Tetriminos after gruelling sessions of Tetris 1989 that eventually led to 70 and eventually 93 lines cleared before I panicked and let all the blocks pile up as they flew down from the top. Once I got less hung up on keeping the bottom row completely clear of blocks I was able to plan ahead more effectively and I eventually cleared 116 lines on February 7th.
Now, I don't know how many of you played on Tetris Friends, but basically once your game is over, you are taken to a screen that displays your percentile rank (as I recall) but doesn't have any score information on it (if you try to play again, you will be confronted by interactive dishwasher detergent ads—because obviously the best place to advertise such a product is a Tetris site). When I saw this screen after letting the fatal blocks fall, my heart sank faster than a level 11 L‑block as I kicked myself for not taking a screenshot immediately after I reached 101 lines cleared with plenty of blank playing space available. Fortunately, a couple of seconds after that I found the tab that displays your score and statistics for your play session and left it open for the three or so hours that it took for my submission to go through. Given that I submitted an image that had to be manually reviewed at a time when the site was probably still being hammered, I am quite happy with the service I received.
This has been quite the experience for a free video game, that's for sure!