If this 60$ game deal is through Future Shop, would it work on pre-orders you guys think? I assume it's not just a regular gift card though or else it could work elsewhere.
Also they said it would be for ALL G-List members, because that was the real crazy part about it, right? I'm assuming then it wouldnt come with further requirements beyond level 10.
Mister C's exact wording to me was this perk would be for "all active G-List member".
At first I was thinking this meant ALL G-Listers, but I'm hung-up on the word "active". I'm thinking now it is either:
(1) You have to contribute to the Community forum discussion (therefore active), or
(2) You have to have completed a certain amount of trivia (therefore active), or
(3) You have to have completed at least one challenge (therefore active).
I could be completely wrong and it could just be Level 10, however just to be safe I've participated in the above three. It's not like any of it was boring either, I was playing video games, testing my game knowledge, and talking with fellow gamers. Three things I'm willing to do all day anyway, lol.