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Turkish troops enter Iraq to train anti-ISIS force; Iraq demands withdrawal

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They did, US told them that if Russia helped them that they (the U.S) will withdraw essentially ending that chapter. On the topic of Turkey entering Iraq, isn't it fucking precious, the stink of that hypocrisy. Breaching their airspace for 17 seconds results in them shooting down a jet but they can send a full battalion of men and armour into another country without the countries consent. I doubt they would try that shit in Syria considering the situation, regardless Iraq is in no position militarily to force them out and they cant ask the Russians since U.S has essentially blocked that avenue, the U.S for its part will not do anything because Turkey is an important member of Nato.

Yes, but Iran’s influence today far outstrips that of the US. Iranian-backed militias lead the counteroffensive, while the US support is limited to a few air strikes. KSA is also one of America's closest allies, a country that has absolutely no interest in a strong Iraq.

quite honestly I really feel Putin is going to back stab Assad and Iran soon

he has been having secret talks with the Saudis over and over again

Why should he? Assad and Iran are winning. All sanctions against Iran will be lifted and Assad can't lose with russian air support.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
Weren't people saying the Turks were bombing Kurds instead of ISIS only months ago?

Ummmm... were they not? Or has the definition of an ethnic Kurd changed recently?

They did, US told them that if Russia helped them that they (the U.S) will withdraw essentially ending that chapter. On the topic of Turkey entering Iraq, isn't it fucking precious, the stink of that hypocrisy. Breaching their airspace for 17 seconds results in them shooting down a jet but they can send a full battalion of men and armour into another country without the countries consent. I doubt they would try that shit in Syria considering the situation, regardless Iraq is in no position militarily to force them out and they cant ask the Russians since U.S has essentially blocked that avenue, the U.S for its part will not do anything because Turkey is an important member of Nato.

Yup, it's hypocritical but quite in line with the current Turkish regime. Erdogan has delusions about the old Ottoman power coming back by force in the 21st century.

quite honestly I really feel Putin is going to back stab Assad and Iran soon

he has been having secret talks with the Saudis over and over again

This doesn't even make sense geopolitically. Russia and the Saudis have a frosty relationship that doesn't look like it'll thaw anytime soon. That's like saying the US will backstab Israel because they've been having talks with Iran.


Classic Barzani. He's inviting in the Turkish troops to protect his clan from all potential enemies, including Baghdad, the PKK / YPG, the PUK, etc. He's a wily little bastard, that's for sure. He allied with Saddam to help him fight the PUK, and this was after the Anfal genocide. He's probably preparing to declare independence, which is great for the Kurds. It's just too bad they have to have the Barzani clan leading them afterward.

From a broader perspective, it's clear to see what is happening. Iraq is firmly within the Iranian-Russian sphere of influence, while an independent Kurdistan will be in the US-Turkey-GCC sphere of influence.
Why should he? Assad and Iran are winning. All sanctions against Iran will be lifted and Assad can't lose with russian air support.

not full backstabbing Iran but taking down Assad and fully controlling Syria may be Russia's end goal
This doesn't even make sense geopolitically. Russia and the Saudis have a frosty relationship that doesn't look like it'll thaw anytime soon. That's like saying the US will backstab Israel because they've been having talks with Iran.

I don't mean a super friendship but a common goal of taking out Assad (even though Russia right now is defending him) and getting better puppet later on

things are uber complex in that region I doubt everything is black and white


Classic Barzani. He's inviting in the Turkish troops to protect his clan from all potential enemies, including Baghdad, the PKK / YPG, the PUK, etc. He's a wily little bastard, that's for sure. He allied with Saddam to help him fight the PUK, and this was after the Anfal genocide. He's probably preparing to declare independence, which is great for the Kurds. It's just too bad they have to have the Barzani clan leading them afterward.

From a broader perspective, it's clear to see what is happening. Iraq is firmly within the Iranian-Russian sphere of influence, while an independent Kurdistan will be in the US-Turkey-GCC sphere of influence.

Pretty sure Turkey intended to annex some Syrian territory until Russia showed up.


Iraqi PM should shut the fuck up and accept whatever help he's getting to defeat ISIS. Absolutely in no position to talk strength and rattle sabres. Guy sounds like everythingisfineburningdog.gif
Piss right off with this kind of fucking shit. Several members from the coalition have gone through legal ways of arming and training factions in Iraq against ISIS, under the approval of the central government, without breaching the sovereignity. If Turkey does this (and they have been doing it countless of times, most of the time violating the airspace of Iraq) what kind of example do you think it sets for others?

Also, isn't this even worse than Russia's violation of Turkish airspace? I thought Turkey was all about respecting and being against countries breaching their sovereignity?

*Country breach sovereignity of another country. PM speaks against it"

"Omg shut the fuck up! Who do you think you are telling another country to not illegally send troops to your country!?"

Might as well just let anyone and everyone in eh? Pathetic.

Weren't people saying the Turks were bombing Kurds instead of ISIS only months ago?
That's PKK and YPG. Turkey has warm relations with the KDP dictatorship and their Peshmerga mafia.

Using turkeys logic wouldn't iraq be entitled to bomb the shit out of these troops if they desired?
Bingo! You can also include how Iraq is entitled to bomb the shit out of Turkish planes that have violated Iraqi airspace countless of times this week attacking PKK, one of the Kurdish forces doing most of the fighting against ISIS. You can also include Greece and Armenia into it. Turkey is a cancer. However it's ok, this time it wasn't Russia who did it but a NATO member so it's ok and should be accepted.

Classic Barzani. He's inviting in the Turkish troops to protect his clan from all potential enemies, including Baghdad, the PKK / YPG, the PUK, etc. He's a wily little bastard, that's for sure. He allied with Saddam to help him fight the PUK, and this was after the Anfal genocide. He's probably preparing to declare independence, which is great for the Kurds. It's just too bad they have to have the Barzani clan leading them afterward.

From a broader perspective, it's clear to see what is happening. Iraq is firmly within the Iranian-Russian sphere of influence, while an independent Kurdistan will be in the US-Turkey-GCC sphere of influence.
He runs his little empire like a little dictator. He even had his Peshmerga kill members of the opposition party in the Kurdish areas to not lose a grip on his power. Not surprised to see the West and Turkey consider him as a good ally, and his recent(?) visit to KSA only further proves the point to the likes of people he associate himself with. Honestly I don't think he's preparing to declare independence, it's just shit talk from him just like last year. I firmly believe you'd already have a Kurdish country now if it WASN'T for Barzani.


Imagine there is a bit of nose thumbing involved in this as well against Russia and Iran who have been working to exert themselves over Iraq.

Should have been helping the Kurds a lot more directly instead of the diplomatic bullshit of the Baghdad government has to distribute and allow anything we might want to supply to the Kurds.
What a load of fucking shit.

Kurds have been getting the weapons and arms they need directly. There was never any diplomatic "bullshit of the Baghdad government" going on. It seems KDP's lobbying abroad even did mind games on you. Even John F Kerry "criticized" direct arming of Peshmerga which McCain wanted to do. He told him that Peshmerga are receiving what they need and that Baghdad has NOT delayed or prevented delivery to Erbil, and that it in fact even supported the freakin effort into arming them. Any aircraft carrying weapons destined for Erbil stop at Baghdad for an inspection that doesn't take more than a few hours before they are delivered to Erbil.

It was the Iraqi Governments sectarian nature that pushed a large number to ISIS. Its the Iraqi Governments forces who basically turned over tanks, Humvees and weapons to ISIS even as they greatly outnumbered ISIS forces.
Another one believing in the myth of "Iraqi sectarian government" and in turn even excusing members joining ISIS, you almost sound like an ISIS apologist that way.

Also, the soldiers who abandoned weapons to ISIS were security forces largely made of Sunni Arabs and Kurds in Mosul, and in Ramadi the local police force abandoned it as well. In Sinjar Peshmerga abandoned the Yezidis when ISIS approached the area. Sunnis and Kurds...wait aren't those your best allies in the region?

Well after ISIS fucked Iraq's borders, and their army dropped their pants in fear and ran away, it sounds pretty hollow to talk about sovereignty and all those nice sounding strength stuff. Just admit that you have a useless army, your government is weak and sectarian and corrupt, and humbly accept whatever aid you're getting.
When are you going to stop saying lies about a sectarian governemnt and a weak army? The armies in the cities that fell to ISIS was largely made of Sunnis (and I am including Kurds in this category) in areas that have been hotbed for terrorism since the American occupation.

If the governemnt was so sectarian despite the fact that it was, during Maliki's time AND now during Abadi's time, one of the most representative governments in the Middle East then it would imply that one group has an advantage over another. However, this argument is immediately shown to be stupid and something the GCC and Western media mainly went with because they don't want to accept a government that aligns a bit closer to a country that goes against the Sunni domination in the region which shifts the balance. This argument looks even more stupid when you consider all the massive protests that broke out during the summer (still ongoing) in mostly Shia-populated places (until it reached more mixed cities) which western media mostly ignored. I thought it was a sectarian government so why are the Shia protesting so much? Wait...let's use the logic in the Sunni and western world: Shia (and eventually Sunnis in mixed areas) held massive peaceful protests against the government......I guess that means the government is actually a Sunni sectarian government, right?

Oh and guess what? They didn't join a group like ISIS despite protesting against the corruption of the government, amazing right? Those poor Sunnis though, they were pushed to ISIS after the protests, we have to understand them. Never mind that no other muslim or non-muslim group around the world signed up for ISIS or similar groups when they protested against their governments corruption and injustice.

Interesting post. Independence for Kurdistan (in Iraq at least) should happen as soon as possible, and in fact it would have happened if Mafia Barzani wasn't leeching from Iraq. Barzani and his gang feeds on a weak Iraq, they are pretty much dependent on the money gotten from Basrah oil revenue to keep their dictatorship in the north alive. They talk about Iraq being a failed state, how they don't want to be a part of it and how it gives them nothing but problems so why haven't they seceeded yet? They operate as they want, they visit any diplomatic entity they want, they have their own agenda against Iraq's central government abroad and they sell oil illegally, and as even seen from this piece of article they invite soldiers that have not been authorized to enter Iraq. They are pretty much their own country. If they did it would solve lots of problems for them and for Iraq's central government. Barzani said he'd hold a referendum for independence when ISIS was taking over villages and cities in Iraq last year while IA was alone fighting against ISIS. So why didn't he do it? Oh because ISIS approached and they suddenly needed money? The Iraqi government's biggest mistake is not seceeding Iraq from the Kurds. Disputed areas should be solved, and Kurds should be kicked out and form their own country.

They just took Baiji and are about to launch an offensive on Ramadi without Turkey's help. They don't need Turkey. It is a bit rich for Turkey to defend shooting down the Russian plane for a breach of sovereign air space and then send in troops to Iraq uninvited.
Don't even bother. Despite all the criticism people give you for your posting history you seem to be one of the few posters here actually keeping an eye on the progress made in Iraq. The fact that posters like Rustynails and others think Iraq should be "grateful" to have Turkey "help" (yeah right) them against the fight against ISIS just shows how little they know about any gains made on the ground. In fact ISIS subfactions killing each other in Iraq have contributed more to what Turkey has ever contributed to in the fight against ISIS.

"You should be grateful for Turkey, you need them" lol. Jesus christ. The same Turkey that barely bombs ISIS and attack anti-ISIS forces, similar to their Arab Sunni allies who have been inactive in their strikes against ISIS for months because they are busy killing Yemeni civilians.

What Iraq needs at most is more airstrikes from the coalition, more training and arms, and also have Ruaf joining in the airstrikes against ISIS in Iraq.

Also I want to point out that the Ramadi ops started a long time ago. The west, north and south have been liberated and the east is more or less liberated as well according to recent news. The sectarian Iraqi government dropped sectarian leaflets telling civilians to escape the city and go to certain spots where they could be protected. Some reported they couldn't escape from the areas because ISIS, their previous liberators not so long ago, were threatening of killing them if they tried to escape. Last I read was that the sectarian army launched an offensive and created a sectarian escape route for civilians and that the city center is basically all that remains. Oh my, look at all that sectarianism.

So can anyone tell me why Sunnis are join ISIS when plenty of other religious groups and ethnic minorities in the same country has it just as bad? Why is it that non-Sunni people don't join organizations like AQ or ISIS when they've lived under just as shitty conditions, and in fact often lived under even worse conditions than Sunnis. We don't need to restrict this question to Middle East, let's use it for any place where people live under oppression.
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