Ted Beneke is a fuckin asshat
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Ted Beneke is a fuckin asshat
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bender is inferior to homer in everyway..Breaking Bad is one of the most overrated shows ever and was only good at finding new ways to jump the shark.
Jessie Pinkman was the true cause of everyone’s downfall.
Walt should have left him to rot.Jessie Pinkman was the true cause of everyone’s downfall.
I agree, why couldn’t Jesse be chill about working for child-murdering Neo Nazis? And what did Walt ever do personally to Jesse? Only gaslight him constantly, let his first girlfriend die, guilt-tripped him into murdering an innocent man, and nearly killed his second girlfriend’s son. Why, you couldn’t ask for a better friend than Walter White!
See, Walt’s just as shocked that Jesse wanted out of this abusive relationship as I am!
I agree with this. However, they were rushed and not nearly as good.The later seasons of Game of thrones aren’t nearly as bad as people say.
2) While Sopranos, Wire, and Breaking Bad get all the publicity for GOAT's. They all have faults, and "The Shield" is much closer to them in terms of quality, and has a the best "payoff" at the end of the series.
Big Bang Theory is for people that lack a sense of humor and are likely to recommend Schitt's Creek to you, often.
As it should be.That's an arctic take. BBT is the butt of the joke for anyone who doesn't watch it
Christopher Nolan's movies are shallow as fuck just pretending to be deep.
That ain't a hot take.Kevin Smith hasn't made anything watchable since the 90's
Completely agree. Ironically the “black sheep” of Star Trek…DS9, was the best Trek. Lower decks though has a lot of potential.With the exception of Lower Decks, modern Star Trek is offensively bad
Partly agree, the ones written by Nolan himself are indeed shallow, the ones written by his brother are mostly excellent.
You shut your whores mouth on that one.Lord of the Rings Trilogy is boring. I like to call it Bore of the Rings
Most Scorsese films are over rated. B tier Coppola. Most not all
Scary Movie 3 is arguably the best of the franchise with Zucker’s zany sense of humor, but the first film is still fucking hilarious.Scary Movie 3 is better than Scary Movie 2
Why I never…Most Scorsese films are over rated. B tier Coppola. Most not all
That’s not a hot take - that’s trolling.Lord of the Rings Trilogy is boring. I like to call it Bore of the Rings
Scary Movie 3 is arguably the best of the franchise with Zucker’s zany sense of humor, but the first film is still fucking hilarious.
Airplane, Top Secret, and Naked Gun are some of my favorite comedies, and I love that Scary Movie 3 has a similar feel to all of them. I remember back when it released people were skeptical of the change to PG-13, but in retrospect it was an ingenious move hiring Zucker for it.depends on the mood if I find 1 or 3 better.
but the typical Zucker brothers style humor of 3 usually makes me think of it more fondly.
Superhero Movie also is in that category, also a David Zucker movie. it's not all great but there are like 2 scenes where my stomach hurt from laughing for a solid 10min when I first saw it![]()
I didn’t see Superhero Movie because the ads gave me Seltzer/Friedberg vibes, but I’ll have to give it a shot sometime.
The Dark Knight is one of the most overrated movies of all time.