Why isn't the dagger and coins with rita...lmao too logical I suppose.
Queen Scorpina is back for 2 seconds!
Queen Scorpina is back for 2 seconds!
I'm back, are we still on S2 ?
Don't know, but I do remember hearing Lost Galaxy was actually more popular in Japan than the Sentai it was based off of.What I've always wondered was Mighty Morphin is obviously the golden child of the Power Rangers and by far the most popular but how is Zyuranger regarded in Japan? Is it one of the most popular series or would they find it weird how popular it sort of became overseas?
What I've always wondered was Mighty Morphin is obviously the golden child of the Power Rangers and by far the most popular but how is Zyuranger regarded in Japan? Is it one of the most popular series or would they find it weird how popular it sort of became overseas?
These last few episodes of season 1 are kinda boring.
These last few episodes of season 1 are kinda boring.
Yeah these episodes are a bit too cookie cutter. Extracurricular activity/school>rita gets pissed they having a good time makes monster>megazord battle>goofy ending with everyone smiling. Not much happening outside of that right now. I hope season 2 is better but I also don't want trini to leave.A shitton of filler for sure this season, especially since the episodes are so formulaic.
Right he just got his powers back and he falls off the face of the planet or has to go somewhere.RIght, especially with poor Tommy being AFKlike the majority of the season anyway xD
Season 1 is 60 episodes.Was there a break? I went to bed on the 3rd episode after Tommy debut , it's been 10+ hours and it's still season 1 (according to twitch chat).
Was there a break? I went to bed on the 3rd episode after Tommy debut , it's been 10+ hours and it's still season 1 (according to twitch chat).
I completely forgot about that song, haha
Cant wait for tonght when the GOAT ranger shows up
Cant wait for tonght when the GOAT ranger shows up[IMG][/QUOTE]
But the Quantum Ranger isn't due for over a week.
I never knew what the white animal was supposed to be. A tiger? a falcon?
Anyone know when the movie will be happening? I need my Ivan Ooze fix.