Did they say QB sack??
That's why you always see him covered up. Ruins the nerd image.Billy's actually pretty jacked.
I wonder how low the viewers will drop once kimberly leaves.
It's the sound putties make.What's with the BLBL in the chat every time a fight starts?
Bad news: Billy will be the last of the original 5 left when MM ends.Wait what? i don't remember her ever leaving, don't ruin my childhood please.
What's with the BLBL in the chat every time a fight starts?
damn I forgot how OP green ranger was
He gets hotter as seasons go by.That's why you always see him covered up. Ruins the nerd image.
It's the sound putties make.
Thanks!Putty Patrol sounds.
Bad news: Billy will be the last of the original 5 left when MM ends.
I wonder how low the viewers will drop once kimberly leaves.
Lol, no one ever use them cause all school knows the 6 are the stars of everything, Jack of all trades master of all.Does no one have a last name?
How do we they have time to play football, teach martial arts, go to school, and save the world.
The flute breaks me every time. I'm crying. I think the constant chat of
is making this way funnier than it should be.
Oh man. This is the episode used in the "Juggernaut bitch" video